
Ozusation contracts – resignation protects the employment market. Comment expert.

Ozusowanie umów - rezygnacja uchroni rynek pracy. Komentarz eksperta

The withdrawal of the government from the suspension  of contracts  is a good decision, which will protect the labor market from trouble. Thanks to this we have a chance of food in the labor market as early as in the second half  2025 year – voted the decision of government prof.

Jacek Męcina, advisor to the Confederation Lewiatan and analyst from University of Warsaw.

11 facts and myths about settlement contracts civil law



11 facts and myths about the ozusation of civil law contracts

The government wants only, that the State Inspectorate of Labor may change contracts of contract to contracts of work. Businesses don’t agree to such solution and are in favor of seeking effective, but and safe for companies methods of fighting against unfair competition.

The Government has approved a resolution on changing the National Construction Plan, in which resolved the Plan to cover all contracts with contributions to SUS, independently of received income.

– The suspension of contracts of contracts was threatened by the previous government and such commitment was written in KPO. It must appreciate the determination of the current government in re-negotiations with the European Commission and the resignation of this idea. This is a good decision, which may relieve the strained for three years situation in the labor market. The serious economic slowdown in 2023 year, the decline in the euro zone, particularly in Germany and the pressure on pay, related to the huge increase in minimum wage, have hit Polish Polish companies. In 2024 the year was slightly better, but wages further grew very fast, a together with the law increase in energy prices have seriously affected the condition of small firms. For the first time since the decade we observe a decline in employment, with still double-digit increasing wages. Despite the expected acceleration of economic growth th this year, firms still have costs of energy and labor. From this reason there should not be any decisions, that would increase the costs of work, and there would be the consequences of full enforcement of contracts – explains prof. Jacek Męcina.

Evaluates, that only then there is a chance, that then then then there .Employment will shake in II half year and that is on condition that will nourish investment. There is an opportunity, because besides an improved economy we should feel the effect of money from KPO. We are also happy about the corrections of Green Lad, which should translate in perspective of some years to reduction of energy prices. All this can foster economic growth and improve competitiveness of Poland’s economy.

Prof. JacekMęcinawarnshoweveragainstsome ideas,whichhavetorestrictcontractsintheeconomy.Entrepreneursdon’tagreetothattheStateInspectorateofLabor,whichproposesthegovernment,hasgainedtherighttotransformcivilcontractsintocontractsofwork.




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