
Oxfam predicts the emergence of five trillionaires over the decade

Oxfam прогнозирует появление пяти триллионеров в течение десятилетия

According to the latest Oxfam report, in 2024 the wealth of billionaires grew by 2 billion dollars, that is three three fold faster than in the previous year, the television channel Euronews.The eurozone’s GDP is 14.5 trillion euros. This is equivalent to what the billionaires across the world in 2024.
In last year the number of people holding the prestigious title increased to 2 769 people, which almost fills the concert hall of the
Sydney Opera Theatre. According to data from the group for fighting against poverty Oxfam Oxfam International, In 2024 year the wealth of the rich grew by €1.93 trillion, which is three times faster than the year ear before. In the same time the number of people living in poverty (on less than
€6.64 per day) has almost not changed since 1990 year. The Report On Global Inequality also predicts that in the next decade there will be at least five trillionaires. A year ago NGO
predicted that over this time there will be only one trillionaire. The Oxfam Oxfam “Takers Not Makers” has been published, when representatives of the world’s political and financial elites were preparing for the annual meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum, and billionaire Donald
Trump, with the support of the richest person in the world Ilon Mask, was going to become the 47th president of the United States. “The capture of the
global economy by a few privileged people has reached heights that were previously thought unthinkable,” – said the executive director
of Oxfam International Amitabh Behar. He added, not only has the rate of accumulation of wealth by billionaires
has increased (three fold), but “their power has increased.” Talking about the 47th President of the United States.Donald Trump and billionaire businessman Ilon Mask, Behar emphasizes: Following Joe Biden’s call to force billionaires “start paying
their fair dole” through the tax code of the US, Oxfam Oxfam called on governments to tax the rich to reduce inequality and extreme
wealth, and “eliminate the new aristocracy.” The Group called for such steps as breaking monopolies, limiting the pay of general directors and regulating corporations, to ensure that they pay “living minimum” workers. According to Oxfam, on average the low and middle income countries spend almost half of their national budgets to pay debt. This is much more than their
cumulativeinvestmentsineducationandhealth care.The organizationalsonotedthattheaveragelifespaninAfricaisslightlylessless64years,whileinEuropeismorethan79years.

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