![Właściciele domów mają czas do 31 stycznia na zgłoszenie, inaczej grożą wysokie kary [WZÓR PISMA]](https://naujienos.pricer.lt/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/204136_r0_300.jpg)
- We remind you, that owners of real estate among others. single houses, buildings inventory, warehouses have the obligation to inventory of products containing asbestos on the territory of their real estate.
- The declaration must be submitted by 31 January 2025 to the devotee, the mayor or the president of the city.
- Failure to declare declare about asbestos can threaten with high punishment.
Mandatory removal of asbestos by 2032 year
The most important information is that, that all asbestos products in Poland must be removed by 2032 year, but as Sanepid insists you should not remove them on your own hand, because it is dangerous to health for both residents of the property and neighbors.
If you need to remove asbestos products from your farm, remember, that this can be only be done by a specialized company, which has permits, appropriate equipment and trained employees and approved by your starost a hazardous waste management program. Only such company can properly dispose of a hazard to you, your neighbors and neighbors – informs Sanepid.
In concerning this the cities and municipalities in Poland transfer money to remove dangerous products containing asbestos.
Asbestos is a mineral resistant to frost, high temperatures, corrosive substances, resistant to stretching and crushing. For over 100 years it has been used for the production of very many bestos-cement materials. In Poland there are about 14 500 thousand tons of products containing asbestos, mainly in construction.
Check the inspection of asbestos products in your farm
As recommends Sanepid, until 31 January 2025 year the owner of each farm has a obligation to inspect, whether on his farm there are any and best products and to assess their technical condition. Products containing asbestos, qualified for replacement must be removed, while, a product undamaged, may be safely used until the next inspection. Then information about the state of asbestos products should be included in the sheet “Assessment of status and possibility of safe use of products containing asbestos”, which then submit to the proper authority of construction supervision. Sheets for assessment and inventory can be obtained at the municipal office, but template notification of waste.containing asbestos is also attached at the bottom in PDF file.
Where in the building can be asbestos?
In Poland azbest was most commonly used for production:
- roofing roofs: eternit and papa roofs,
- elevation plates,
- balcony plates,
- small appliances in households : irons, kitchen plates, furnaces accumulators,
- pipes for water plumbing, drainage,
- ventilation pipes,
- chimney pipes
Why does remove asbestos?
Asbestos is called among the most dangerous pollutants on the earth, and its fibers are practically indestructible! Currently it is known, that it can be harmful to health, because the fibers are asbestos, invisible to the naked eye, inhaled with air into the lungs, are the risk of serious diseases of the respiratory system. Production, import and use of products containing asbestos are banned in Poland since September 1998 year, a until 2032 year all asbestos products in Poland must be removed.
Note!Property owners,whodo notsubmitsuchdeclarations,areexposedtosanctions.-Incasewhentheinspectiondiscoversundeclaredproductscontainingasbestos,ownersofbuildingscanexpecttobepunishedwithfinesoffrom10zlto20tys.PLN-informsportalInteria.pl.