The perpetrators, using the domains:,,,,, offered original brand perfumes and electronic devices for sale. The stores' offer was promoted online by purchasing advertisements displayed in web browsers and via social media by online influencers.
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Fake online stores. Paxy comments (store list)
Fake online stores. Goods of questionable value
Instead of the ordered goods, the perpetrators sent buyers products that did not comply with the order, which were perfumes with a negligible market value or counterfeit goods. After the buyers made the payment and received the shipment, it was impossible to contact the sellers, and attempts to file complaints remained unanswered. In addition to selling perfumes and cosmetics, the perpetrators offered electronic/home appliances and fuel for sale online.
Over 6 thousand injured parties
The perpetrators conducted criminal activities in the period from the end of 2021 to the beginning of 2023. During this time, the property of over 6,000 victims throughout the country was unfavorably disposed of. The total amount of damage caused amounts to PLN 1.7 million. The criminal activity involved people recruited as fictitious presidents of companies on which bank accounts and domains of fake online stores, a courier and a bank employee were registered.
The actions of CBZC officers, under the supervision of the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Łódź, led to the arrest of a total of 7 people in the Masovian and Lublin voivodeships, including 2 men suspected of leading an organized criminal group. At the request of the prosecutor, a preventive measure in the form of temporary arrest was applied to 4 detainees.
In the course of the proceedings, property worth over PLN 1 million was seized and cash in the amount of approximately PLN 200,000 was blocked. PLN that the criminals did not manage to pay out.
There are 12 suspects who have been charged with, among others, participation in an organized criminal group, fraud, forging documents, loan fraud, and laundering money derived from crimes. In addition, one of the perpetrators also committed fraud on popular auction and advertising websites, offering phones for sale and instead sending worthless items to customers.