
Over 4,000 heating installations have disappeared from the UTI list since June 14, 2024

Ponad 4 tysiące instalacji grzewczych zniknęło z listy ZUM od 14 czerwca 2024

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has introduced quite significant changes to the provisions of the anti-smog "Clean Air" program: from June 14 this year. the purchase of a heat pump will be an eligible cost (entitling the buyer to receive subsidies) only if the device is entered on the UTI list.

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The confusion in the rules led to a split in the PORT PC association

However, earlier on April 24 this year the government announced that only heat pumps with a European certificate awarded by accredited laboratories will be included in the UTI list.

Less than three weeks later, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management suddenly introduced changes to the regulations, which turned the entire project back to square one.

Everything seemed to be settled when suddenly, on May 10 this year, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management proposed changes – expanding the range of devices allowed for entry on the UTI list.

The constant changes in rules were not fully accepted by Polish heat pump producers, who, to put it mildly, felt marginalized in the activities of the PORT PC association. This association represents all heat pump manufacturers and lobbies on their behalf in contacts with the government (MKiŚ, NFOŚiGW).

In their opinion, demands regarding the development of the Polish heating industry related to heat pumps were ignored, and PORT PC did not take the necessary actions to protect the Polish market against the domination of not always honest foreign companies.

Allowing the registration of devices on the UTI list for Clean Air, the so-called Keymark, EHPA Q and Eurovent quality marks will result in the Polish market being flooded again with heat pumps of questionable quality and exposing the Polish beneficiary, unaware of the whole situation, to the purchase of devices with inflated parameters – comments Dr. Adam Nocoń.

More importantly, the changes were fully accepted and supported by the PORT PC association. However, not all producers from the heating industry are satisfied with the decision of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

As Paweł Lachman, president of the management board of the Polish Organization for the Development of Heat Pump Technology (PORT PC), notes – Some of them raise arguments against the European quality marks approved by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. One strategy is to undermine their credibility with alleged complaints that are intended to influence the perception of these signs. And such actions can greatly confuse investors. Therefore, as PORT PC, acting in consultation with the Association of Producers and Importers of Heating Equipment (SPIUG), we decided to thoroughly and reliably explain the matter – emphasizes Paweł Lachman.

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Over 4 thousand heating installations disappeared from the UTI list. Why?

However, the new rules for entering heating installations into the UTI list resulted in a radical reduction of the catalog of heat pumps for which the buyer can receive funding – from approximately 4,500 to approximately 250 a few days after the above-mentioned date.

Of course, the number of renewable energy devices on the list is gradually increasing, but the pace of their registration is definitely too slow.

During the conference "The heat pump market after June 14 – the voice of the industry", the presidents of three organizations representing over 80 percent Polish market of these devices:

  • Polish Organization for the Development of Heat Pump Technology (PORT PC),
  • Association of Producers and Importers of Heating Equipment (SPIUG)
  • APPLiA Polska – Polish Association of Household Appliances Manufacturers

they wondered why the UTI list lacked products from most reputable companies that had been building our heat pump market for years based on high quality.

These companies often operate on a European or international scale, therefore the quality of their products is confirmed by widely recognized certificates. Today, several of them want to invest in giant heat pump factories in Poland.

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The list of Storage Customers needs to be adapted to the actual market situation

Poland has a chance to become one of the leaders in the production of green technologies, thanks to investments in the construction of large heat pump factories in our country, around which further plants will be built – producing components for these devices. These are tens of thousands of new jobs, significant benefits for our economy and the country's image. Some manufacturers' plans reach up to 1.5 million heat pumps per year. Therefore, it is important not to make these decisions difficult for investors and not make them wonder whether it is worth investing in our country, emphasized Paweł Lachman, president of the Polish Organization for the Development of Heat Pump Technology (PORT PC) during a conference organized by PAP.

He pointed out at the PAP conference that the goal of PORT PC, as well as other industry organizations, is to adapt the list of UTIs to the "real market situation", which means that this list should include a wide range of high-quality products currently available on the market, and the quality should be confirmed be both European certificates and tests specified by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

This gives equal opportunities to both large companies that already use certificates and small companies that, for various reasons, do not have these certificates and prefer to perform tests only to the required extent.

The President of PORT PC added that changes to the regulations determining the granting of funding to specific devices must be consistent with the rules in force in the EU.

This includes: for consistency of the UTI list with the EPREL database. This database is the basic criterion in the EU for admitting devices such as heat pumps or boilers to the market.

The UTI list is intended to show buyers good quality heating installations

In turn, at the PAP conference, Janusz Starościk, president of the Association of Producers and Importers of Heating Devices, recalled that the main purpose of creating the UTI list was to show buyers good quality products.

The idea was not to use taxpayers' money to finance devices that do not meet quality criteria. The market was flooded with products of questionable quality, which also resulted in an outpouring of negative opinions about heat pumps, explained Janusz Starościk at the PAP conference.

He added that the list – in addition to promoting good quality – was also intended to prevent discrimination, defending the interests of all manufacturers producing good quality heating devices, regardless of the company's size or country of origin.

However, now we have such a bizarre situation that devices manufactured in Europe and tested in European research laboratories, which often built the Polish heat pump market and trust in these devices as good heating technology, are somehow waiting in a long queue to be included in the UTI list. Therefore, the final customer's choice is very limited. This is very disturbing, it is discrimination and this system needs to be repaired – noted Janusz Starościk at the PAP conference.

In his opinion, the Clean Air program requires a better control system that will protect it against exploitation by unfair market participants.

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