As we read in the published by Department of Territory of KOWR in Rzeszów list, the property has a total areal of 101.1357 ha, of which the orne land stands about 98 ha. KOVR established annual rent on the level of 739 dt of wheat.
From the announcement it appears, that the property consists of two plots in the Bedzmyśl area, in the municipality Sędziszów Malopolski in the propczycko-sędziszowski district, and 9 lots in the Dąbrowa district, in the municipality Swilcza, in the rzeszowski district. The land class IIIa occupies there 37.7 ha, soils class IIIb – 40.13 ha, class IVa – 20.4 ha. The rest is over 1.6 ha of meadows, some pasture, forest and unused land.
KOVR informs, that with the future lessee may contract for 2 years – until end December 2027 year. The properties up for leasing are not covered by local development plans.
Date and detailed conditions for participation in tender will be determined.
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