There are times when it is impossible, or rather impossible, to keep silent. For me all imaginable boundaries have been passed, when I read on Facebook a full of despair cry for help Valdeco Palk on the avtonalog, writes the fighter with injustice Jaak Pihlakas. For
many people with special needs, for example, people in wheels, the automobile is the only possible means of mobility. Photo: Arvo Meeks
There are moments when it’s impossible, or rather, impossible to keep silent. For me all imaginable boundaries have been passed, when I read on Facebook full despair cry for help Valdeco Palca on the authonalogue, writes fighter with injustice Jaak Pihlakas.
Remember that single father from the Inglite Inglite aeg program, he raised a son with deep deep degree of health. The dream of this family was to have a equipped minibus for people with limited abilities that would solve many of their everyday problems. Everything went well. Thanks to the help of good people they became the owners of Ford Transit Custom.Oh, Oh, how happy they were, but now their joy is diminished by a big concern about they were happy.автоналога – в их почтовый ящик пришел счет на 864 евро. Я хотел бы напомнить читателям, что идея автоналога была впервые предложена несколько лет назад, и тогда всех заверили, что он коснется только покупателей роскошных лимузинов и загрязняющих окружающую среду старых автомобилей, большинство людей он не коснется вообще или затронет лишь минимально. К сожалению, в настоящее время ситуация сложилась с точностью наоборот: основным плательщиком автоналога является рядовой владелец обычного автомобиля. Для людей с особыми потребностями автомобиль – не предмет роскоши, а жизненно важный повседневный инструмент. Особенно удобно как для самого человека с особыми потребностями, так и для его помощника, если машина вместительная, чтобы помимо людей внутри могли поместиться и вспомогательные средства, необходимые человеку с особыми потребностями. Поэтому для этой семьи минивэн – единственный вариант. Танель на инвалидной коляске может заехать в автомобиль и его можно там зафиксировать. Там есть место и для отца, и для сына, а также для вспомогательных средств, которые должны с ними путешествовать. Первоначальный Закон о налоге на механическое транспортное средство учитывал, что транспортные средства, приспособленные для перевозки людей с особыми потребностями, будут освобождены от автоналога, однако «барин Кадриорга» решил, что это дискриминирует других людей с особыми потребностями, и не принял этот закон. Это устроило наших правителей, наш министр переобулся и объявил, что людям с особыми потребностями не о чем беспокоиться,The state will come to their help they will receive a one-time subsidy to reduce the consequences of the avtonalog. The Law was proclaimed, and the relentless tax tax stomp has begun to get to work. Now a little bit about this government compensation. A one-time benefit in the amount of 142 euros is paid to a child with deep degree of disadvantage of health, 95 euros>to a child with severe degree of disadvantage of health, 250 euros a person of working age with deep degree of disability health and 60 euros – to a person of working age with severe degree of disability is not a blatant discrimination? Only children and and working-age people receive support, but 2/3 of people with disabilities are in pension age. Don’t they need help? Of course they do. So the government has paid out a total of 2,1 million euros to support 21 000 people, whether they have a car or not. Are all of them happy now? Definitely not. Waldeck’s and Tanel’s annual avtonalogue was 864 Euros, of which 250 Euros were compensated by the state, but they had to pay 614 Euros themselves. Where to get that amount, especially especially in a family living only the pension? Local government, most likely, also won’t help, usually families of people with special needs have already received all possible benefits. So what to do? Some readers might ask what I care and why I write about this? I have the same problem. First, I run a large organization for people with special needs and every day.I have similar problems. And Secondly, I am also a disabled wheelchair user and I will have to pay an unfairly high tax. A few years ago I changed my 17-year-old microbus for a new car. I wanted to be environmentally conscious and was hoping for a lower auto tax, but, alas, I was wrong. I found out with the help of a tax calculator that I would pay 63.50 euros for the old car I would pay 63.50 euros. Now for my Toyota Proace Verso I need to pay 523 euros. This is not in any comparison, for example, with a 20-year-old Chevrolet Chevy Van with a working capacity 6.2 liter and an annual payment of 50 euros. My car has a 1.5-liter engine that meets the Euro 6 emission standards, and I will pay ten times the tax than an older, polluting environmental and heavier car. Where is the logic here??? If the government is so deficient in money, then people with special needs also understand that they need to contribute. Why the government can’t tax the vehicles owned by adults with deep and severe motor apparatus and vision, and also to families with children at the minimum rate, that is, an annual payment of 50 euros? The government would make millions, and everyone would be happy. And A little more about the degree of the deficiency of health. In my circle of my acquaintances hundreds of people with special needs, and lately it has become the rules that the degree of the deficiency of people’s health is reduced or even abandoned. I continually help people write appeals, but the current decisions remain unchanged.Again, this topic affects me and me, and it is that I have been in decades of deep degree of health. I have a post-traumatic injury to my spine, and I can only move in a disabled wheelchair. Since the load is only the arms, they are also suffering. I have had nine surgeries on the arms, not talking about other post-traumatic complications. But now, by the conclusion of an expert physician, I no longer have this degree of health reduced to severe degree. With years my health has deteriorated, but this is not important. Of course, I challenged this decision and received a threatening letter in which said that they didn’t care about the opinion of my family doctor, because he gave me a reference for my driving license and is now describing my health problems. But who could know my problems better than my family doctor? And where is it said that a person with a deep degree of disability cannot drive a machine if he sees, hears and his hands are able to control it? I publicly declare that I am not satisfied with my government and its leadership. People, we need to begin to do more to claim our rights, we can’t rely on politicians. The current ruling coalition doesn’t have the manhood to recognize that they won’t be able to do this, and if they continue in the same spirit, they will tax us to death. I am not calling anyone here with forks to go to protest at Tompea, but let’s start with our deputies, But What I can say to comfort Waldeck and Tanel? Maybe this article will help them a little more morally. And put power on your rulers!