
Operators of gas networks question use of biomethane for heatinghomes

Operatorzy sieci przesyłowych gazu kwestionują wykorzystanie biometanu do ogrzania domów

The POB opines the project positively. At the same time, in the framework of the opinion, the POB submitted to the Chancellery of the Sejm detailed remarks of detailed and legislative nature.

The draft law has a purpose to solve a significant problem related to the possibility

of adapting parameters of biomethane to technical requirements of gas networks in Poland.

Here are experts

of Innovation Farmer in Jastkow k. Lublin. See, who shares their knowledge

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is Experts of Innovation Farmera in Jastkow k. Lublin. See, who will share the knowledge

Biomethane has a low value fuel and operators share  gas question its use for heating houses

Current regulations do not specify, whether biomethane enriched with other fuel gas, may be covered by support systems, such as referential pricing or auction system.

Enrichment of biomethane, consisting of adding another fuel gas, has the purpose only to meet technical requirements for heat combustion, necessary for connection to transmission networks.

Biomethane achieves the value of heat of combustion at level 39 MJ/m3, when operators of transmission networks require value at level 41 MJ/m3. An important issue is also adapting the parameters of biomethane to the requirements of gas networks – the experts of POB stress. – In this context biomethane requires additional enrichment with nitrogen, in order to final fuel meet quality parameters appropriate for those networks. 

In both cases the present absence of clear regulations on this issue, that biomethane producers face legal

and technical barriers, which hinders the development of the sector. Defining the conditioning rules in the proposed amendment of the law,

eliminates the technical and legal barriers, which limited the possibility of connecting biomethane to gas networks. 

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Who will be responsible for the conditioning biomethane process? The producer or operator of the gas network?

Poland Organization Biomethane indicates the need to clarify some significant aspects of the draft law.

A key issue is defining, who should be responsible for the conditioning biomethane process – the producer or the operator of the gas network – the experts of the POB note. – POB suggests, that it would be more effective to entrust this process to operators in free cooperation with biomethane producers.

Furthermore, the proposed changes should include also biomethane produced from biomethane agricultural gas, which would require appropriate corrections in Article. 25 pct 3a of the Act on RES.

POB also draws attention to the need to include in regulations the issue of adding other gas fuels to biomethane for the purpose of improving its parameters, which could be specifically regulated in the implementation regulations – add experts of the POB.


Poland Biomethane organization strongly supports the changes in the proposed law, recognizing it as a major step in the development

of the biomethane sector in Poland.

Eliminating barriers to regulation will not only accelerate the development of the industry, but will alsocreateconditionsforwideruseofbiomethaneintheenergy transformationprocessofthecountry. POBhopestoconsidertheproposedconcernsanddeclaresitsfullcommitmenttofurtherworkonthisproject



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