
Opened new Laboratory Testing Quality Products Bees.

Otwarto nowe Laboratorium Badania Jakości Produktów Pszczelich

The unit opened January 30 2025 year is part of Institute of Hort – State Research (InHort) – Facility of Beekeeping. The accredited laboratory in Pulawy has changed location and obtained modern equipment. The investment was constructed under the National Reconstruction Plan and Increase Resilience (KPO), and its amount is 13 million £.

The laboratory in Puławski

-This is another important and necessary investment, after Laboratory Facility Food Safety Research in Skierniewice, opened in December 2024 . These investments have in the needs and are the result of efforts by the Management Institute, thanks to which has succeeded in availing of CPO funds – Minister Czesław Siekierski noted.

– Bees are important for maintaining the process of agricultural production. In relating to development of technology there are attempts to replace bees with devices, but nothing can replace them in complete – the minister added.

The head of the department

of agriculture remarked,

that the activity of the laboratory is also important

in the context of ensuring security of food.

phot. MRiRW fot. MRiRW

Support agricultural institutes research

– Agriculture needs support mercial, scientific. Need also needs education and specialized advice. In order to make the digitization of agriculture, its development technologically, needs also resources. I am happy, that by the end 2024 year. we could increase the funding of scientific institutes supervised by Minister Siekierski and he emphasized, that support for science – scientific research, equipment laboratories, payroll employees – is for the resort very important and will continue.

Important areas of discussion at the EU

Minister Czeslaw Siekierski noted, that today the European Union is conducting activities leading to opening the EU market for agricultural goods from third countries – , among others.Among others from Ukraine or from countries Mercosur.

– During the last meeting of AGRIFISH – the first under the Polish presidency – I asked the EC for a collective statement of all major contingents on agricultural tariffs from third countries to the EU. Once these magnitudes do not appear to be significant, but after their summation.- have meaning – informed the head of the department of agriculture.

Minister Siekierski stated, that in the EU there are high production standards, a then not all agricultural goods entering the EU market meet those strict standards.

– High standards that also high costs of production, a that from the bottom causes the problem of competitiveness of EU production in the world – the minister stressed.

Minister Siekierski mentioned, that now almost 40 proc. of the budget of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is allocated to environmental objectives. Thus the share of agriculture in the budget of CAP is decreasing. Today it is about 32 percent of the total budget.

– Payments to agriculture, i.e. direct support, are also increasing and their importance is decreasing. However, the role of financial instruments, i.e. credit, insurance, market instruments, financing of enterprises by farmers – remarked the head of the department of agriculture.

O laboratory

The Laboratory has changed location and has been equipped with modern equipment. The laboratory operates in the Beekeeping Facility in Pulawy, which is one of the oldest centers in Poland dealing with beekeeping. It includes in 10 facilities Institute of Horticulture – State Research Institute (InHort).

The Laboratory thisistheonlyinPolandtobeaccreditedforpollenanalysisofhoney.Currentlytheresearchwillincludeanextendedrangeofbee products-for example.pollenormustard.

Testingthe qualityofhoneyisveryimportantbecauseofthesafetyofthecountry, among other things.BeekeepershaveformanybenefitedfromresearchperformedbyPuławskilaboratory.




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