
Only 30 days to re-register auto. For gratuity you may paysomewhat.

Tylko 30 dni na przerejestrowanie auta. Za gapiostwo można słono zapłacić

30 days to re-register the purchased car

From January 1 2024 year. we are required to apply for registration within 30 days after the day:  

  • acquiring vehicle in the territory of Poland;
  • admission to traffic by the authority of the National State Administration of vehicle dropped from the territory of a state not a member state of the European Union;
  • moving vehicle in the territory of Poland from the territory of a member state of the European Union.

As reads on the Ministry Infrastructure website if there is a  inheritance of vehicle in heritance on the territory of Poland mentioned the time limit of 30 days dates from the day of the legal decision of the statement of acquisition of heritance or the declaration of inheritance.

Longer time for entrepreneur, but not for all

In case, when the owner of a vehicle is an entrepreneur conducting business in trading vehicles in Poland the time limit for application for registration of vehicle is 90 days. Other entrepreneurs have a month.

Who does not have to apply for vehicle registration?

Regulations speak clearly:

The obligation to submit an application for registration does apply to an authorized entity, which in the framework of conducted activity to use a professional proof registration and professional tables (plate) registration, in reference to vehicles, for which this entity has a valid decision of professional registration of vehicles.

What has changed in registration of vehicles?

Until that time at the office it was only to notify the acquisition or sale of the vehicle, but the obligation to apply for registration was not. Today we must apply, and then wait for the issuance of registration and tables. This means visiting the office twice. 

Where can re-register a car

There are two options: visiting the communications department in the municipal office (most often twice) or using a special website on the internet, though then you must have a trusted profile. It is on necessary to register the car online.

Penalties for failure to register the car

Described above the process to register the car, for which we have usually 30, and in some cases 90 days, allowing to trace the history of the vehicle. Unfortunately not all drivers know the consequences of the consequences.negligence of this obligation. A in this case there are punishments. 

  • 500 £ for the owner of the vehicle, who in the deadline of 30 days has not submitted an application for registration of vehicle (1000 zł if the delay exceeds 180 days);
  • 250 zł for the owner of a registered vehicle, who has not notified the starost of the disposal of the vehicle;
  • £1,000 for entrepreneurs conducting business in trading vehicles.

A this is how is in the regulations: 

  1. Who being the owner of a vehicle is obligated to apply for registration of vehicle by the deadline, that is mentioned in art. 73aa ust. 1, does not submit this application in the deadline, is subject to pecuniary penalty in the amount of 500 zł.
  2. Who being the owner of vehicle obligated to submit an application for registration of vehicle in the deadline, of which the speciation in art. 73aa of the paragraph. 3, does not submit this application in time, is subject to pecuniary punishment in the amount of 1000 zł.
  3. Who being the owner of a vehicle obligated to submit an application for registration of vehicle despite request does complete the deficiencies of submitted application in the defined date, is subject to pecuniary penalty, about which the speech relevantly in paragraph. 1 or 2.
  4. Penalty pecuniary, o which the word in paragraph. 3, shall not be imposed if the deadline for completion of the missing application for registration of vehicle is due before the date, of which the speech in art. 73aa paragraph. 1 or 3.
  5. In Case of non-submission of application for registration of vehicle in the 180 days from day, of which the movement relevantly in Article 73aa of Act. 1 or 2, a pecuniary penalty, about which the movement: in paragraph. 1, imposes on in the amount £1000 ; in paragraph. 2, imposes on in the amount £2000 .
  6. Who being the owner of a vehicle registered in the territory of the Poland in violation of art. 78 paragraph. 2 item 1 does not notify the starosty of the disposal of the vehicle

    within the deadline, is subject to pecuniary penalty of 250 PLN.

  7. The pecuniary penalty co-owners of the vehicle are liable solidly.

How much does it cost

to re-register a car?

The fee for re-registering a car is £160 . However if the applicant keeps the existing registration plates, a thiscanbe donefrom2022,withoutreferencetothat,wherethecarisregistered.waspreviously,thenwewillpay80£. 

Lastyearweinformedaboutanotherimportantchange,whichalsoshouldbereminded.10June2024yearsfromthebaseofCEPiKwillremovevehicles,whichhavenothadanymovementsontheaccount.Intotaltheyhavedisappearedabout7millionvehicles,includingtractorsandtrailersfarmers.We remind you,thatCEPiKisaninformation system,whichincludesthecentralregistrationofdrivers(CEK)andthecentralregistrationofvehicles(CEP). 



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