At International Congress Center in Katowice the next edition of the EXPO Pigeon 2025 event is underway. The meeting is not only an opportunity to see the most noble birds, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the offer of
companies and to
establish business contacts.
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The event this has a particular prestige, a huge prestige is because same a breeding of pigeons. In the last year “The traditional breeding and lots of pigeons
been inscribed on the National List of Material Cultural Heritage.
Exhibition and presentation offer market
Of course the most interesting point of the event is going for the third time 73. National Pigeon Exhibition of pigeons, during which breeders and sympathizers of pigeons can see the most valuable cases bred by the highest class specialists.
The event is also an opportunity to experience the offerings of companies offering a wide range of nutritional and technical solutions, which are needed by breeders. It also is a great opportunity to establish business contacts or exchange experiences.
“Crazy” quotas for pigeons
– Someone outside the branch treats pigeons more as treatment than passion. Pigeons disturb many residents, then it turns out that many people are passionate about this and can pay for one pigeon for 2 thousand pounds. zl – said in conversation with our editor Wiktor Furman – creator of the auction portal PIGEBOOK, on which the best breeders in the country can exhibit their shows.
Our interviewee also spoke about the idea of establishing the portal:
A couple of years ago, we had a crazy (as we then thought) the idea of launching a portal. From an idea we progressed to very professional involvement, we reached titled champions of Poland, or leading breeders in Europe, having excellent achievements. And that was perhaps the key to the success of our enterprise. This higher priority allowed us to create auctions of the highest quality – said Viktor Furman.
The expert also revealed some concerns about financial aspect of breeding pigeons posts:
– Someone outside of posts.industry will be surprised, that a pigeon can cost 100 or 1000 £. I will say more, pigeons can cost even 10 or 15 thousand £. I was sometimes at a client, who in addition to pigeons raises also horses of Arabian blood. The crazy thing was to me that you could sell one animal for 2.5 million euros. However for a person unconnected with the industry the amounts offered for pigeons may seem even more crazy – Furman said.
Why are therefore high prices of some persons?
– This question cannot be answered ambiguously . Nobody of the present there would perhaps be able to clearly declare this why? Because that in the predispositions, or characteristic characteristics of pigeons there are very many important characteristics. Beginning from genetics, as through the issues related to appearance – decoration, characteristic structure of the body or appearance of wings. These are characteristics that are individually preferred by each breeder and adapted to his vision of breeding – the specialist said.
Pigeon breeding is and more professional
Slowlywearetalkingaboutpigeon breedingasasporting discipline.Slightlylikeinfootball-thebreederisthecoach,andthepigeonsaretheplayers.Just likeinfootballourgoalistoachieveandtoimproveperformance-summarizedFurman.