By World The Beatles Day, which is annually celebrated on January 16, analysts of Wildberries and Russ examined the demand for goods for fans of the Liverpool Four.
It turns out that that in the past year
The most noticeable increase in sales of Significant growth in sales on marketplace also showed different souvenirs and accessories with symbols of the legendary group (+79%), decreased in average by 11%. In turn, clothing became more popular by 16% while remaining popular.average cost at same level, but the music carriers (the same vinyl, cassettes and disks), on the contrary, have become less used (respectively, -3% and -9%), as as and games for bitlomaniacs (e.g., The Beatles: Rock Band). Interestingly, the demand for similar goods in during the year remains approximately at the same and same levels, almost without changing from month to month (still love to the “Beatles” is constant character and does not depend on time of year). But in November they buy more actively, than usually, which is conditioned by 11.11 and Black Friday, and in December – and at all in 2.5 times more than in average in other months. This says about that the products for bitlomaniacs are willingly bought in as gifts on New year. In absolute value the most goods for fans of The Beatles on Wildberries in 2024 year purchased in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar country, Sverdlovsk region (in capital of which – Ekaterinburg – has an entire square with monument dedicated to the group), Rostov region, Nizhegorodsk region, Novosibirsk region, Samara region and Chelyabinsk region. And here by the fraction of realized products for bit addicts from total volume of all goods sold on marketplace, the top of the most active regions of the country looks somewhat lessdifferent -theSt. Petersburg,Moscow,PrimorskyKray,Yaroslavloblast,Leningradoblast,Samaraoblast,Arkhangelskoblast,Sverdlovskoblast,Novosibirskoblastand Tomskoblast,whichalsois knownfor itsBeatles sculptures,createdbylocalartisans.