Which businesses in Ukraine in the full-scale invasion is going through its worst times, is suffering losses because of the restrictions of the military position, or is all banned or on the boundaries of its existence.
Karaoke as an art is disappearing in Ukraine, sailing sports is on the boundaries of its existence, salutes and all are banned, cinemas are losing visitors…. This list can be followed until there is a full-scale war in Ukraine. RAU collected examples, when because of a big war, businesses must fight for the right to exist or are already banned.
Without noisy salutes and fireworks
Before the full-scale invasion salutes and fireworks on New Year’s night or in the holidays of cities – this was already the common tradition of celebrating. But everyone who wanted to become 18 age (depending on the class of pyrotechnics) could purchase salute for private holidays. But because of the similarity of the effects of pyrotechnics with the sounds of the explosions of rockets and shells and the negative impact on the psychological health of citizens, in a full-scale war there is a prohibition on its use. In the Act of April 2023 of Year #3039-.IX “About the introduction of amendments to the acting laws of Ukraine on the vicorization of the obiguity of pyrotechnical products” says about the prohibition of sales, transmission and use of pyrotechnics: petards, salutes and fireworks classes F2, F3, F4. The only exception is the sale and use of fireworks of a silent class F1, but only to people who are 16 years of age. The Laws are not prescribed by the Law.extend to the use of pyrotechnics by the VSU, National Police and emergency rescue services.
So it is clear that the business that offered fireworks and salutes in a full-scale war, isn’t working. RAU checked and the large marketplaces of the country, Rozetka, Maudau and Allo and didn’t find any offerings for the sale of salutes and fireworks. The only thing that is available is crackers and bengal fireworks.
But fairness for the sake of noting, that in the search engine always can find internet stores, which offer pyrotechnics, and on they even can make online ordering.
Banning civilian aviation into war
The aviation industry just began little by little “recovering” after the coronavirus pandemic, as a full-scale war occurred in Ukraine. 24 February 2022 year Ukraine closed airspace of Ukraine for civilian aviation. Then that is actually Ukrainian air carriers lost the opportunity to fly. Private Ukrainian companies, like SkyUp, evacuated planes over the border, because it is obvious, that there is no safe city and place in Ukraine, because all of the territory is reachable for Russian missiles.
And But at the beginning of the full-scale invasion the Ukrainians had access to various entertainment “in the sky.” which are now also prohibited, and the businesses offering these businesses have temporarily suspended their activities. So, on the site of the store gifts-impressions bodo.ua are not available such as the followingrecreational activities, hobbies, hobbies and active sports:
- flying in airplanes and helicopters;
- piloting masterclasses;
- flying and piloting in a air balloon;
- flying in a paraglider;
- parasailing (special parachute attached to a boat);
- jumping with a parachute.
For example, for now, no services are available from one of the companies, which before the full-scale war actively provided its services
She was founded in 2008
sold in the world of Robinson helicopters. On Here site of the company says that sales of certificates and flying have temporarily suspended due to military actions. A A last message in Instagram was just before the War – 21 February 2022 year.
View this publication on Instagram
Sailing sports on the boundaries of existence
In the time of war position in Ukraine the movement of small boats on waters. This news was published on the website of the State Agency of Ukraine for the development of melioration, fisheries agriculture and food programs from 7 June 2022 year. “Considering permanent military actions in our country, the oblast military administrations established an additional prohibition on the movement of small floats on the cascade of Dnieper reservoirs (Kievskoye, Of course, this prohibition is in effect because of possible diversions, especially in places where there is infrastructure, like dams, bridges and etc.etc. But there areAnd the other side is sailing in Ukraine on the boundaries of its existence. “Ukraine is rich with different waters – rivers, seas, lakes, reservoirs, and even before the Big War the potential of this potential is only 5%. A A so as in the war position is closed to navigate, it is impossible to go on the harbor (conventionally, road on the water, this sport is almost not developed, and all the specialists, those involved in it from judges to instructors, are left without work”, comments Ivan Kolobiev, professional yachtsman and owner of the school of practical yachting. Because of the full-scale war in Ukraine theaters are also not able to boast a large number of visitors. The reasons are enough: the and frequent air alarms because of which sessions are interrupted, and the safety situation because sometimes Russian rockets hit the TRC. And And the absence of night and late sessions because of the implementation of command hour has had significant impact on the revenues of cinemas. So the cinema chain Planet Planet Cinema currently counts 11 cinemas, two were opened in the Big War through franchise projects. Natalya Baidan, CEO of the network, says that now working conditions are very hard: the best situation with cinemas in Lviv and Kiev, and the badest – in Kharkov. “If to compare with 2019 year, this is the year which can be called very successful for the industry, that attendance in the big war dropped by 50% and unfortunately, that is still till now since the time. In 2023 year we have performed well andeven grew into a small operating profit, though theaters Kharkov, Odessa and Dnieper to sih still work on the borders of loss, periodically generating losses”, – she commented. With the positive – that the situation with content for cinemas has stabilized, because in 2022 the year there was the absence of movies, and the opportunity to duplicate them. “So far everything is good. All the world premieres in Ukraine are going out, even there are movies that won’t be rented in the United States, but we are going to. I’m just about the film “The Apprentice.The History of Trump.” In the U.S.A. theaters didn’t show it because it could influence the election race, and we have had it available for viewing since 17 October 2024 year. Also as a result of collaboration with distributors, cinemas, beginning with 2023 the year have the opportunity to show films for viewers with sight and hearing disabilities, for this films for Ukraine are specifically supplemented with additional formats,” Baidan concludes. But, despite all of the calls for a full-scale invasion of the Network Planet of cinema, says, that they are not ready to reduce the standards and will continue to care about the service and to care about the customers. Because of the activity of the commandant hour there is a ban on rest at night. Some night clubs began operating as restaurants, and some have closed. For fairness we say that there are single incidents where night clubs are violating and that they have failed to keep they have closed they have been in the.work at night. As says Olga Nasonova, director of analytical center Restaurants Ukraine, in the full-scale war, when the commandant hour appeared, dinners started to decrease substantially. People began to come to dinner not as before the war – at 20.00 or at 21.00 – and a much earlier, to eat without haste, and to go home. And there such as karaoke, sowly dying. All because that in such institutions people in mainly begin to sing closer to midnight, and the majority of content was in Russian language, so, basically, the repertoire became pretty narrow. There are, of course, foreign hits, but in karaoke they are not used more success. “Before the full-scale war on in establishments that offer alcohol (beer and cocktail bars, restaurants), the main flow of people was after 21.00, now the majority of such places close at 22.00, though theoretically have the opportunity to operate until 23.00, but cannot can allow themselves to do so, because the staff have to get to home before the commandant hour. So because of these restrictions institutions have lost from30to50%ofattendanceandrevenue.Butrestaurantsathotelsforthelivingintheiraudiencecanoperatehowtheywant,evenevenallnight.Todeliveryofproductsalsotherearelosses.Becausebeforethewaritwas possibletoorderbefore00.00,andnowmaximumbefore21.00-22.00”-commentsOlgaNasonova. Butanexpertbringsanoteofpositivityandpredictsthataftertheend ofthewartheentertainmentindustrywillbegrowingcrazyandgeometricallyprogressive.Becauseafterthecrisismomentspeoplebeginto”have a blast”. Because oftheeffectofrecommendationhoursandtemporaryrestrictionsonthesaleofalcohol,whichdifferentinregionsofUkraine,yetandthedeclineofpurchasingpowerofthepopulationthewinemarketsare alsolosing.For example, themarketsof theOKWINEnetworkhavedifferentschedulesofworkso thatworkershavetimetogettohome. “Of course, restrictionshave had an impact,asandgenerallydecreasedandpurchasingpower.NowrestrictionsinKyivandKyivregionare absent,butinallregionsdifferentsituationtimesfromtime,sotheinfluenceofthisfactorwassusceptible,becausewewerenotworkingdeterminedhours,thoughovertheperiodofshiftstheguestsgotaccustomedandsalesslowlyleveled off.”-commentsViktoriaCherniaeva,OperationsDirectorOKWINE.Cinemas
Karaoke in Ukraine is disappearing