
On internet platforms they’re inducing panic, that after the disconnection from BRELLtheelectricitywill be lost

На интернет-платформах наводят панику, что после отключения от БРЭЛЛ пропадет электричество

At the beginning of February, the Baltic States will disconnect from the BRELL power system, which connects the Baltic, Russian and Belarusian power systems. In this way, the countries will strengthen their energy independence from Russia. A certain blogger from Russia in a popular video claims that after the disconnection in the Baltic countries will be “the era of very high prices for light”, writes Rus.TVNET with link to Material Re:Baltica. Photo articles Photo: Re:baltica

In Early February the

Baltic countries will disconnect from the Baltic electricity

system BRELL, which connects the energy systems of the Baltic>countries, Russia and Belarus. In this way, the countries will strengthen their energy independence from Russia. A certain blogger from Russia in a popular video claims that after the disconnection in the Baltic countries the “era of very high prices for light”, wrote Rus.TVNET with link to the material Re:Baltica.



“What is going to happen globally for the Baltic countries on this day? Well, actually, the era of cheap electricity and the era of very high prices for light will be over.) But, by the way, it will be possible to sell wires, Soviet, of course, but, now, for example, to colormetal, and to receive for this money. People are most likely to do that.”

Latvia in May 2022 has stopped importing electricity from Russia. But the country still remains in the BRELL electricity system whichThe energy systems of the Baltic, Russia and Belarus are interconnected. Being in this network provides stability of the individual energy systems. That is, if any power plant suddenly stops operating, as soon as a few milliseconds later the lost generation will be compensated for by other power plants connected to

the grid.

Imports of electricity into the Countries

Baltic in 2022 year Imports of electricity into the Countries Baltic in 2022 year Photo: AS Augstsprieguma tīkls

From 7 to 9 February of this year the Baltic countries will be disconnected from BRELL and synchronized with the European energy system.

After the withdrawal from the BRELL grid the Baltic countries will have to maintain more reserve capacity. As a result in the second half of this year the bills for electricity in Latvia may increase, but the increase will not exceed five percent, Re:Check representative of the Ministry of Climate and Energy Latvia Baiba Jakobsonet and Chairman of the Council of the Commission on Regulation of Public Services Alda Ozola.

In the next years the costs of maintaining the reserves may be reduced, as the Augstsprieguma tīkls will be operational in this year.

For comparison: in the second half of 2022 year the average prices for electricity for households, depending on consumption, increased by 25-38%. It is impossible to say that till now there was an “era of cheap electricity” in Latvia, which was supported by participation in the BRELL network. Jacobsonet of the Ministry of Climate and Energy noted,that the final pricing of electricity in the Baltic countries is most affected by local production of electricity, prices for energy, weather conditions and accessibility of grid infrastructure.

The final price of electricity in the Baltic countries is most affected by local production of electricity, prices for energy resources, weather conditions and availability of grid infrastructure

In addition, in social networks Estonia, and then and Latvia distributed some leaflet in Russian language with a call to prepare for possible possible electricity outages. People are being urged to stock up, for example, water, groceries and cash. But responsible persons of both Latvia, and Estonia explain that ordinary consumers should not notice the transition.

Conclusion: At the current time it is predictedthatdisconnectionfromthepowergridBRELLinthisyearcouldincreasethepriceofelectricitybyfivepercent.The claim that the Baltic countries will move from the “era of cheap electricity”to the “era of very high prices for light”is an exaggeration.

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