
On contract EU – Mercosur win both parties?

Na umowie UE - Mercosur wygrywają obie strony?

trade and security economic Maroš Šefčovič.

In his assessment, this is primarily the opportunity for European companies and for European farmers. – The new version of the agreement is significantly better than that of 2019 year. – Missioner Šefčovič noted. 

He stressed, that this agreement has primarily very important geopolitical significance. – Maintaining partnerships across the world is now more important than any previously. Trade links increase cooperation with partners on all continents, in this way increasing the role of the EU in the world. The Union already has practically trade agreements with all countries in South America, but Mercosur permits extension of preferential conditions for EU exports and generally improved cooperation with those countries, especially with the context of increasing intensity of such countries as China, which wants in sure sense to appropriate this territory – stated the Commissioner for . trade.

As he added, many countries of the world very appreciate the EU as a reliable trade partner. What is important especially in the context that many other states apply protectionist practices, which de facto prevent fair trade, especially in agricultural products. 

– This is the largest trade agreement, any that has been agreed by the EU. By restricting tariffs we will be able to save ok. 1 billion euros. We will be able to trade more intensively in agricultural products, which will benefit European farmers. I assure you, that we have attended to that the result of the EU – Mercosur agreement is consistent with the sustainable development objectives adopted by the EU, as also to achieve sustainable performance in the agricultural-food trade, because this strategic area we treat with the highest attention. We must and will protect our interests in this issue, the opening of both  markets will be decreased gradually. EU farmers on certainly are potentially aware of what the opportunities are for this agreement. I guarantee, that KE has listened to the attention of the environment and has taken it seriously into the heart. We negotiated very strongly, especially in sensitive areas, such as beef, poultry and sugar. Agreement.contains security double-sided, that would protect our markets, if there were more imports, that would affect negatively our producers – the commissioner said.

 As he stressed, “we will never negotiate the conditions for protection of our consumers’ health.” – Products imported from Mercosur, and any other countries across the world, with a trade agreement or without, always must meet European phytosanitary and production – he Šefčovič.

What to beef – continued commissioner – EU imports 200 tys. tons of this type meat annually. – Additional opening market at 99 tys. ton of beef is reasonable. This additional volume will not be exempt from customs charges, these will only be reduced. Only half of this amount will apply to meat fresh. Solution this will be spread over 5 years, and gradually in this time “phased out” – he said. 

When it comes to meet European standards – agricultural products, such as np. eggs, will be allowed to enter the EU on reduced (due to contract) customs – only condition that an assurance be provided, that they have been produced in accordance with EU standards, in this case with European directives on animal welfare.

In a similar tone was spoken by Christophe Hansen, Commissioner of EU ds. agriculture and food.

– Yes, this agreement has great geopolitical importance. I am aware, that the agriculture sector is concerned about what effects its implementation may have. I assure you, that the KE has attentively listened to the concerns expressed to date and took them very seriously during negotiations. Thanks to this, we have made many guarantees protecting for the sensitive sectors into this contract. (….) We need produce countries Mercosur, in posts of seeds ole plants (protein), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices; products that we import paying very high duties. We also need new, wider markets for our agricultural products, because at this time we have uncertainty if we talk about such trade partners as the US or China. We must diversify our destinations – emphasized Hansen.

He added, that the EU – Mercosur agreement will have a particularly favorable impact on e.g., the market. on the market for European wine and high-end products, olive, olive from olive, but also on European serves, andGenerally on all products protected by geographic designations. It appears because – as said by the commissioner – that in countries of South America there is a phenomenon of municipal counterfeiting for example. of famous European cheeses. After the entry into the contract, the tables of consumers will have to e.g. only original Parmigiano Reggiano, and inspectors – in control -will have the ability to stop such illegal production. The EU -Mercosur agreement is therefore the opportunity to develop by acquiring new markets for such products as shin parmesan, or Polish oscypek!

Commissioner Hansen assured, that a contract with Mercosur has been written to prohibit the use of hormones in animal production and in imported in the European market. – There has been built a robust audit system, which will monitor meeting this requirement. If there are any problems, then import will

be stopped – the commissioner stressed.

He added, that the EC will all the time monitor the implementation of the EU-Mercosur agreement for agricultural and food products,

a in when need will move available policy instruments in the WPR, if the market situation will require this. 

New vision for European agriculture. We know, when will be presented this important document

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New vision for European agriculture. We know, when will be presented this important document

 The agreement is inconsistent

In debate Member Raffaele Stancanelli stated, that a significant limitation of goals in the EU – Mercosur is despite the risk of entering the EU market products, which never have been inspected for use for such as. antibiotics. He described this agreement as inconsistent and still needing improvements. Carlo Fidanza stated, that KE exceeded its competence by negotiating the agreement with Mercosur. Elsi Katainen noted, that this agreement introduces double standards, which the EU should prevent.

– We have put in prison farmers for applying theprohibited substances, and today we want to allow into the territory EU goods with the substances – said Ciaran Mullooly.

Bernd Lange, Commissioner EU for international trade stated, that he does not see negative effects for the agricultural sector, when it comes to the EU-Mercosur agreement. – Of course some risks may happen, but in such cases it is necessary to secure resources for intervention in those cases – he added. 

Positive to the agreement referred to member Andre Rodrigues, stating, that if we don’t sign then other economies will very quickly take our place. And we will lament.

MEP Benoit Cassart thundered that by signing the Agreement Europe will contribute to further deforestation in countries of South America, its provisions will also conflict with the EU’s adopted Green Lad principles. – Do I myself, or do we stand on the head? – he asked.

– Not only deforestation, but and to continue production in monocultures – added Maria Noichl. 

– Our farmers will suffer – stated while Member Carmen Crespo Diaz, adding, that the planned compensation for crisis situations will not sufficient.

– I don’t know whether the fact, that we will be able to sell more alcohol to countries Mercosur will offset drama, what we fund breeders

of cattle – noted bitterly Martin Hausling. 

MEP Krzysztof Hetman stated on the other hand, that if we

already today, that there will be some compensation for farmers, that how would this

contract ever be good? Arash Saeidi added, that if the agreement comes to life, it will only deepen the lack of trust of the society to the EU institutions. 

W PE discussion about the future of EU agriculture

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In PE discussion about the-future of union-agriculture

 What on the commissioners?

In responses to the votes of European Commissioner Šefčovič for the next time stressed, that the EU needs access to new markets, many strategic products for agriculture EU have been protected in the EU Mercosur agreement, many of these wait new,bright future. He added, that there is a preparation at the EU so-called. reform of customs, through which it will be possible to improve the risk (the customs authorities will decidedly more closely cooperate with supervisory authorities) in the case of such as the customs authorities.Among such agreements as being the subject of the Thursday debate. To this – the agreement with Mercosur will

introduce a new tool for immediate reaction, on the established at the inspection of products failure.

Commissioner Hansen stated on the other hand, that

the situation of European farmers, if it concerns competitiveness, will definitely improve the announced package of problems. Thanks tolesstimetheywillspendfor example.onadministrative matters.He added,thatashasbeensince2020years,theEUhasconducted27auditsinMercosurcountries,ifthisisabouthormonesinmeat.He admittedthatthattheissueoftheminimumlevelsofmaterialsbannedintheEUinimportedfoodswillstillbediscussed.


OnwhatconditionswilltradewithEU-Ukrainebe held afterthecurrentagreement expires?”.

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