
On 1 February a new law comes into effect. The changes apply to Sundayscommercial.

1 lutego wchodzi nowe prawo. Zmiany dotyczą niedziel handlowych
  • On the next Sunday, 2 February, the commercial places will be closed. The next Sunday commercial falls on April 13 .
  • From February 2025 year, there are also changes in the law concerning restrictions on sundays and holidays.
  • The new law provides for increased number of sundays of trade and establishes Christmas Eve a day free from work for all employees, including employees of the trade sector.

Whether 2 February is Sunday commercial?

On Sunday 2 February establishments commercial will be closed. We remind you, that the prohibition does not include , among others. postal activities, if the revenue from this activity constitutes at least 40 percent of the revenue from sales of a given platform. Also the ban on trade on sundays does not apply:

  • bakeries
  • ice shops
  • in florists
  • in shops with press
  • cafes and restaurants
  • in stations of liquid fuels.

Major changes in the calendar of sundays commercial

An amendment of the law, which establishes 24 December as a free day for all workers, including employees of trade establishments, and also provides three Sundays preceding Christmas Eve trade will enter in February 1 2025 year.The Novelle also provides that in December a trade employee will not be allowed to work more than two sundays. However this may be not the end of changes in the trade. As because informs the Food portal, the mentioned rules may soon be changed. In Sejm work is underway on a project to amend the law, allowing even two sunday trade in a month.

According to it

for work on Sunday would have double wages, a employer would have the obligation to assign an employee a day free

6 days before or 6 days after the day of work on Sunday – read in the portal.

There is a important  ban EU is preparing. This will cause some changes in shops

Read more

There is an important EU ban. This will cause significant changes in stores

Sundays trade 2025 – calendar

In 2025 year there will be sundays .commercial. There will be they no longer 7, as in last year, but 8. There are three such days falling in December. The full schedule for thewholeyear has already beenannounced.

  • niedzielahandlowa13kwietnia2025
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  • niedzielahandlowa14grudnia2025
  • niedzielahandlowa21grudnia2025.


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