
OKKO and Uklon expand cooperation in inclusive project: now and in Kiev

ОККО и Uklon расширяют сотрудничество в инклюзивном проекте: теперь и в Киеве

The OKKO network has provided more than 50 50 000 000 liters of fuel to 6 inclusive autos in Kiev, which decreases the cost of travel for Uklon users by 12%.

The Filling Station OKKO and Uklon the Uklon online service in 2025 have expanded the partnership to support an inclusive class of auto for passengers, wheelchair users. In particular, in this year, OKKO will provide fuel to 6 such vehicles, which now operate in Kiev. In total complexity to these needs will be allocated more than 50 50 000 liters of diesel fuel. Last year the service of calling inclusive class auto was used by more than 1600 Kievers. Support of the project from the sides of OKKO allows to reduce the cost of transportation services for users by approximately 12%.

The OKCO and Uklon partnership started in January 2024 year, when the network delivered 3,5 million grn to purchase and equip three inclusive class cars in Lviv, and also fuel for 1.5 years for them. Demand for such service is steadily growing, so the sides agreed to develop it and further. Now inclusive autos monthly perform more than 200 flights in Lviv and more than 900 in Kiev. Most often clients order trips to hospitals, train stations, shopping centers and cultural institutions.

“One day all of the problems of the barrier society is impossible, but gradually and systematically there is a chance. This project is a good example of how responsible companies, by joining efforts, can in partnership develop inclusive space in the country, outside their offices, AZK and etc.etc. Because we all live here, live ourWe joined the project with vehicles and fuel supply in Lviv last year, and now we are in supporting fuel in Kiev. “This is and useful work, and a logical continuation of our program of social responsibility,” says the Director of Corporate Communications OKKO Jaroslava Polyakova.

“The development of an inclusive society is an important component of modern Ukraine. We at Uklon strive to provide comfortable and affordable transportation for everyone. Our partnership with OCCO is an example of how the combined efforts of business can change cities, making towns more friendly for all people. We are thankful to OCCO for supporting this project and are confident, that we will be able to do more to build a barrier-free future in Ukraine,” said Sergey Gryshkov, the CEO Uklon Sergey Gryshkov.

Trips can be ordered as immediately in Lviv and Kiev, as and in the surrounding cities – radius to 20 km. For 2024 year in the frames of this service in Lviv was 2212 trips with summary mileage 17 282 km, and in Kiev for the same period as 10 961 orders, and the mileage for this time – – 146 430 km (distance of orders).

Reminder, that the inclusive vehiclesThe class is equipped with everything necessary for the safe and comfortable movement of passengers with motor disabilities. In particular, they are equipped with hydraulic or mechanical lifts, frames, special safety straps and fasteners for wheelchair fixation. Services transportation on such autos perform professional drivers, passed specialized training from initiative Available.UA. Besides not directly transporting, the drivers assist to carry baggage or personal bags, if the passenger is traveling unaccompanied.

For reference. The network Filling stations OKKO (Concern Galnaftogaz) is in the ComponentofOKKOGroupandisoneofthebiggestgasolinefillingnetworksinUkraine.In thestructureofthecompanyalsohasanetworkoffoodintheroad,stationaryandmobilelaboratoriescontrolofqualityofpetroleum productsandetc.etc.Divisions ofCompanyare engaged insalesofgoodsthroughstoresatfilling stations,salesofpetroleum productstolargeandsmallwholesale,servicesforexpertiseofqualityoffuels.


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