
Одежный ритейлер Lime займет площади Louis Vuitton в ГУМе

Одежный ритейлер Lime займет площади Louis Vuitton в ГУМе

Lime, positioning its self as the Russian analog of Zara, continues to occupy in the center of Moscow, says .

Source: Lime

Source: Lime

After after the retailer gained the premises of the former flagship store Nike on Kuznetskyom Most, the company aimed at GUM. O that that clothing network could rent 1,2 thous. sq. m, which previously in Moscow GUM on Red ploschad occupied gone with Russian market Louis Vuitton, said four sources in the real estate market.

Historically in GUM and central trade streets have located boutiques expensive international brands, but the current conditions have changed the situation. President of Magic Group (develops Slava department stores Slava) Alexander Peremyatov predicts that the lease of 1,2 thousand sq. m in GUM would cost in 120 mln rubles. in a year. His predictions, turnover of Lime store in this location could exceed 1,2 bln rubles.

Lime stores Lime manages OOO “Style Trade”, founded in 2008 year by Samara entrepreneur Dmitry Khokhlov: now he owns 100% in the company. In rare interviews he said that, creating the brand of clothing, he focused on the experience of Spanish Zara. According to SPARK, revenue net net by results 2023 year increased twice year to year, to 20,7 billion rubles, net profit – by 57% year by year, to 2.2 billion rubles.

Lime открыл поп-ап-магазинв столичномДомекультуры«ГЭС-2»

В МосквеоткрылсяпервыйфлагманскиймагазинсетиLime

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