The increasing tempo of automation, digitization and transition to the green economy are causing the labor market to evolve quicker than any previously. Modern technologies and concern for the environment are contributing to the emergence, which not long ago didn’t exist, and now are becoming key to the development of enterprises. Experts Gi Group Holding indicate professions, which will have key implications in the next years,
with a emphasis on green professions supporting environmental transformation .
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The jobs of the future are professions developing in response to fast changes technological, social and environmental. This is position, which does not only respond to current market needs, but focuses on innovation, automation and implementation solutions, which transform business models.
Report World Economic Forum “Future of Jobs 2025” shows, that Poland, like other countries, is confronted with global trends influencing the job market. Transformations related to climate, digitization and changing demographic requirements are causing increased demand for jobs related to green energy, art intelligence and cyber-security. In Poland, according to data of WEF, particularly fast development of roles such as engineer ds. renewable energy or specialist for cyber-security, which writes into global trends. Simultaneously, increasing requirements in the area of sustainable development are making ESG one of the key areas of career development.
Technology jobs: digitization and AI
In the era of digitization there is a growing demand for specialists in the advanced technology area. According Barometer of Professions 2025, prepared by the Provincial Office of Labor in Cracow in provincial cities there is a lack of programmers, analysts data, administrators databases and testers of software. But these roles are key.For the functioning of current digital systems, this profession future is going a step further, focusing on the creation of new technologies and advanced automation.
Occupations, which will have key importance in the future, include engineers of artificial intelligence (AI) and specialists for the future. machine learning (ML). Their task is to develop algorithms, which enable machines to learn and optimize processes without the necessity of intervention humans. These professions will play a decisive role in automation and personalization of services in sectors such as finance, health care and logistics.
– companies, which want to maintain competitive advantage, must invest in developing solutions based on art intelligence. This is what engineers AI and specialists for . machine learning will drive innovations in the coming years – says Adam Ajtner, headhunter in Wyser Executive Search.
An opportunity to reduce the cybernetic threat
With increasing digitization the threat of cybernetic attacks is increasing, which translates into growing demand for professions related to protection of data. The security information engineer is a profession, which plays a key role in protecting companies from cyberattacks. Specialists in this area develop and implement advanced security mechanisms, monitor systems in real time and react to incidents.
– In the day of remote work and hybrid, the role of information security engineer is becoming indispensable. Companies must protect their systems not only against traditional threats, but also new challenges related to dispersed working environments. The key role in providing security to organizations is played by managers in CIO and CISO, who define strategy security and implement modern technological solutions. Their cooperation with IT teams and security engineers allows to predict threats more effectively and minimize risk – comments Adam Ajtner, headhunter in Wyser Executive Search.
Green jobs – response to needs for sustainable development
The dynamic development of renewable energy sources and the pursuit of climate neutrality are creating demand for new jobs related to green transformation. Manager for renewable energy and specialist for sustainable development will play a key role in implementing projects.related to wind energy, photovoltaic and economy of closed circuit.
In the coming years particularly important will be competencies related to management of green energy projects, optimization of production processes and implementation of technologies favoring protection of the environment. Firms investing in energy transformation will seek specialists capable of conducting activities reducing carbon footprint and promoting social responsibility .
– The increasing demand for specialists on green technologies is a response to increasing regulatory pressures and the needs of investors. In the next years particularly valued will be skills related to optimization of energy consumption and management of sustainable development – explains Danuta Protasewicz, Manager Regional at Grafton Recruitment.
Today companies and frequently integrate criteria ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) in their business strategies. With the growing importance of non-financial reporting, the demand for specialists in this field is increasing. This requires interdisciplinary knowledge of environmental protection and management, and also including social aspects.
– Indicators of ESG may be included in individual goals of members and managers. Responsibility for their implementation is then cascaded to individual departments. In the other case it is difficult to place ESG among priorities of the management staff, which focuses on achieving stricte business objectives – assesses Joanna Kozarzewska, Head of Real Estate & Construction in Wyser.
Evolution of professions “blue collar”
Not only specialized professions of higher level (“white collar”) will have importance in the future. Sectors traditionally associated with physical work are also evolving in response to increasing automation and implementation of modern technologies in production and logistics. These changes lead to an increase in demand for specialists, who can operate advanced machines and automation systems industry.
Modern occupations in the “blue collar” (skilled and unskilled workers at lower level) are including operators of machines CNC, specialists for automation . automatics industrial and technicians involved in installation and maintenance of production systems. In asmuch as factories and warehouses are becoming and more automated, it becomes key to have skills.Technical, such as programming machinery, or management intelligent systems logistics.
– In sectors such as production and transportation, there is a growing need for workers, who can operate advanced technologies and solve technical problems on site. These positions are no longer only related to physical work, but they also require technological proficiency and analytical thinking – remarks Grzegorz Gojny, director regional at Gi Group Poland.
How to prepare for the future?
In order to meet the increasing requirements of the work market, employees must invest in development of their skills, especially those related to new technologies. Courses and certifications in areas such as AI, Big Data, cyber-security and renewable sources of energy may prove to be key in gaining competitive advantage. No less important is also gaining professional experience through apprenticeships, internships, projects or participation in hackathons.
It is also worth developing skills in future jobs at different levels, both in specialized industries, and in lower level positions. Seeking support of experts from a specific market of work can significantly speed the process of adapting to new requirements. What is important, methods of expanding professional competencies are often divergent in multiple sectors, which facilitates transfer skills between industries.
– Methods and techniques for acquiring knowledge and experience in jobs of the future depend primarily onspecificindustries.The requirementfordirectionaleducation,training,coursesiscommon,thoughit isgoodto supplementitwithregularrequirementto followtrendsinexpertpublications,reports,orparticipationinthematicconferences.Alwaysimportant,independentofthesector,willalsodevelopsoft skills,suchascreativity,analytical,logicalthinkingortheabilitytocooperateeffectivelyinteams-emphasizesDanutaProtasewicz,RegionalManageratGraftonRecruitment.