Recent data of insurance statistics say that the people of Estonia will not respond timely to the problems with the pipeline. “As a rule, disasters related to the pipeline are known long before the accident occurs, but people are not always able to recognize these signs, ” wrote Seesam Dagmar Gilden, a product insurance product of Seesam property.Fresh statistics Seesam statistics show that almost 80% of calls to the Koduabi Koduabi Hotline are or otherwise related to pipes: clogs, leaks from the neighboring apartment, failure of the faucet or decaying pipes. Calls from concerned homeowners are receiving the Hotline and after 10 hours evening, and on weekends. “Based on the based on the statistics it can be stated that if people come to us on the weekends, in nine of ninety cases of twenty they have problems with the water system. But turning to to us is
absolutely right, because in the case of leaks to prevent more damage to the critical response, says the expert. Last year the last year the insurance company Seesam had the largest amount of losses, caused to a residential house by the failure of the water filter and faucet, was 30 000 euros. If such accidents occur at night or in the absence of
people, the scale of damage is very large, and remediation of the effects of the accident is costly. According to Gilden, similar
situations can be prevented by observing the dangerous signs and consulting with the specialists of the Koduabi hotline. The Property Insurance Specialist describes the five most common signs,which alarms in advance about the coming accident and need the attention of the homeowner. If the faucet is dripping, it is not needed to wait for the small drops to turn into a noisy waterfall. As a rule, this means that the faucet
is not in the best condition and something needs to fix it. Worth noticing: Dripping water is not only nerving, but it can cost you a lot of money. A dripping faucet or leaking toilet over a long period of time wastes a lot of water, which affects and the bills for the community services. With the arrival of minus temperatures the hot line receives calls about different freezing.
scale,foulingandclogsaccumulate in thepipes.Thereforedo notconsiderita trifleslightlyslowlydrainingwater.Topreventproblemswithclogsit isimportanttorememberthatonlywastewaterfromthehousehold,notfatfromfryingandnottrash.Alsoneverwithanywaymust notleaksolventsorpaint residueintothetoilet.Eveniftheydo notclogpipes,theycoulddisrupttheoperationofthetreatmentstations.