
Obligation of written agreements between farmers and consumers of their products. What other proposesKE?

Obowiązek pisemnych umów pomiędzy rolnikami a odbiorcami ich produktów. Co jeszcze proponuje KE?

Thanks to sequential reforms the EU Common Agricultural Policy has moved in the direction of income and market orientation, which means free shaping prices of agricultural products. These reforms were mainly a response to internal challenges, surpluses and crises. Most challenges facing the agricultural sector are caused however by factors external to agriculture and requiring a broader political response, which the European Commission has also noted. 

ThePR provides already some measures to improve the position of farmers in the food supply chain. In KE’s view, however, the pressure on income from agricultural activities will remain, because farmers face increasing risks, increasing costs of inputs and

more rigorous production requirements.

Resort agriculture restrains information about definition of

active farmer

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Resort of agriculture proves information

about definition of active farmer

Consumers that will not pay more

Not that can forget, that pandemic COVID-.19 and the ongoing war against Russia against Ukraine have lead to unprecedented increases in costs of agricultural production related energy and a prolonged period of high inflation, which has affected the costs incurred by farmers and food prices. At the same time farmers continue to make efforts to make their production more sustainable in accordance with EU standards.

Additionally many consumers, who struggle with increasing costs of maintenance, have based their consumption structure on cheaper products foods. This has lead to further estabilization of distribution of value across the chain of supplies of food, which from the bottom caused unstable distribution of profits and costs between entities in the chain, caused protests and increased distrust.

15 March 2024 year. The Commission presented the document opening the debate, in which announced a set of measures to improve the position of farmers in the supply chain. Into the set of measures announced by the public.The Commission included a targeted amendment of Regulation (EU) no. 1308/2013 and related regulations on the WPR. 26 March 2024 year the Council for Farming and Fisheries supported the measures announced in the document opening the debate.

The policy guidelines for the next cadence of the European Commission for the years 2024-2029 emphasize the need to ensure fair and sufficient income and the need to correct current distortions of balance, strengthening the position of farmers and further protection against unfair trade practices. also strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture in the EU, announced by the Chair of the European Commission in the Ordinance of the State Union 13 September 2023 year. and initiated in January 2024 year, which gathered 29 major stakeholders from the European agricultural food sector, civil society, rural communities and academia in its final report, called for improving the position of farmers in the chain of values. The political guidelines included in the report of strategic dialogue expressly stated, that market conditions must enable farmers and other entities in the food chain to obtain good income and that power relations in the food chain must be balanced.

The first chapter of recommendations of the strategic dialogue concerns fair and competitive chain of food values provided through the reinforcement of the position of farmers. Recommendations refer in particular to contracts and encourage the recognition of data on production costs and prices as essential elements of contractual negotiations and to consider the possibility of initiating negotiations in cases of exceptional increase costs. Mention is made in their also about the importance of mechanisms mediation. If it is about cooperation, in the recommendations it appeals to strengthen producer organizations and associations organizations producers, a also to simplify the process of their recognition and targeted support for their purposes. In the strategic dialogue it is recognized that the economy, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable development have uniform implications for European societies in general, and in particular for agricultural-food systems, and that the PR should promote positive environmental and social results and support diversification of sustainable

business model, in this on short chains of supplies.

KE recognized, that in accordance with.zaleceniami zawartymi w sprawozdaniu ze strategicznego dialogu

należy zatem podjąć działania w celu poprawy pozycji umownej rolników i przywrócenia zaufania podmiotów w łańcuchu dostaw żywności uznała

KE i opublikowała dwa wnioski legislacyjne mające na celu wzmocnienie pozycji rolników i przywrócenie zaufania między podmiotami w łańcuchu dostaw produktów rolno-food. Entities in the chain of supplies of food may submit concerns until 10 March 2025 year.

Status of unemployed farmer. What are profits and who can use of them ?

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Status of unemployed farmer. What are profits and who can use these ?

Projekt zmian obecnych ram prawnych

Pierwszy projekt rozporządzenia dotyczy zmian obecnych ram prawnych określonych w rozporządzeniu ustanawiającym wspólną organizację rynków produktów rolnych (1308/2013) oraz w rozporządzeniach Unii Europejskiej dotyczących Planu Strategicznego dla Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej oraz finansowania Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej (2021/2115 i 2021/2116).

The Regulation includes provisions for:

  • the obligation of written contracts for supply of agricultural products,
  • the revision clause in long-term contracts,
  • registration of contracts,
  • implementation of mediation system,
  • rules recognition of producer organizations,
  • limit EU financial assistance given to recognized producer organizations implementing operational programs,
  • framework for voluntary designations, such as: “fair”, “equitable” and “short chains of supply”, which may be used on product labels, materials advertising, commercial documents.

Notes to this draft regulation (is available in the language!) can be submitted here:

Project of cooperation of authorities in chain of supplies

The second project of regulation is about theCooperation of authorities in enforcing regulations on unfair trade practices in the supply chain of agricultural-food products. The regulations are intended to improve cooperation of authorities in mutual assistance in in investigations of border unfair trade practices, on relations between enterprises in the chain of supplies of agricultural and food products. As received – the new regulations are intended to strengthen enforcement of already existing regulations, without interference in criminal law of member states.

Notes to this project regulation (also available in the language) can be submitted here:

What are the recent feedback?

During Monday (27 January br.) a meeting of the Council for farming . Agriculture and Fisheries EU (AGRIFISH), had their opinions on the above issues presented the ministers of agriculture of member EU. Generally they recognized the need

for action to strengthen the position farmers in the supply chain and more effective enforcement of regulations on unfair trade practices,

but there was no fear. As signaled, the most concern was about increasing administrative burdens and the effectivenessofnewregulations.Specificallyindicatedthatthenewregulationswouldcomplicatetradeandincreasebureaucracy. MemberStateshavealsoexpressedconcernaboutthe lackofcomprehensiveanalysisoftheEuropean Commission’sconclusions.

Inresponse ChristopheHansen,thenewCommissionerEUfor.agricultureandfoodassured,thatanalysisoftheimpactsonimplementationoftheproposedlegislationwillbepublished soon.He also appealedtothatthememberstatesoftheEUnotprolongtheworkonnewacts,thatthefastestpossibletoimplement.


StorminEuropean Parliament.KEfundedprotestsandtrialsagainstfarmers?

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