For 2024 year Rozetka opened 74 stores, Temu and Ukrposhta became partners for accelerating delivery of shipping, Nova Poshta processed a record number of parcels over a day more than 2,2 million, Foxtrot released on the marketplace market in the monobank application, and also other news of the sphere of e-commerce and delivery.
Expansion Rozetka
Specialist of Marketing Rozetka Elena Razputnaya on her Facebook page reported, that in December 2024 year was opened seven new Rozetka outlets, among which first stores in Cities Sokal and Merefa. In particular, new locations were opened in the following populated points:
- Odessa, ul. 28th brigada, 12 (Paustovsky)
- Kiev, ul. Revutskogo, 15 (near Kult)
- Ternopil, ul. Zbarozhskaya, 29 A
- Sokal, M. Shashkevicha street at the intersection with Tartakovskaya
- Kamenets-Podolsky, sul. Knyazyzei Koriatovichi, 25/11
- Zvyagel, Shevchenko, 15 (relocation of store on the ul. Kievskaya, 4 A)
- Merefa, ul. Dneprovskaya, 207, along with Kharkivskiy professional college
In together for 2024 year the largest Ukrainian online-retailer added 74 new stores and 35 new cities to the Map of Ukraine. By the end of last year the Rozetka.Offline network counted 523 stores of different formats in 155 cities.
Temu and Ukrposhta have become partners
Global Onlinemarketplace with direct supplies from manufacturers Temu and national postal operator Ukraine Ukrposhta announced a strategic partnership to provide faster and reliable delivery. In the framework of cooperation Ukrainian consumers have already delivered more than 1.5 million shipments, of which 80% received to clients within three days after customs clearance. After successful joint testing of service in September Temu and Ukrposhta introduced a specialized solution for delivery, adapted for Ukrainian customers. This partnership combines the innovative business model Temu and the extensive network of delivery Ukrposhta, which includes more than 30 000 service points across Ukraine.
Ukrposhta plans to open a second center to process international shipments. Thanks to this, 95% of international messages will be delivered to clients within two days from the moment of entry into Ukraine.
Also from 1 January 2025 year Ukrposhta dynamically changes the approach to the tariffication of domestic parcels. For the first time, the cost of sending a parcel will not depend on weight, but on the volume of the box in which the parcel is packaged. The weight of the parcel will be used exclusively for the delivery parcel.These changes were made possible by the modernization of the sorting system, which was fully automated in 2024.
Maximum weight of a parcel must be up to 30 kg. Parcels over 30 kg are transported on pallets in accordance with the pallet tariffs for pallet transportation.
Foxtrot has entered the marketplace market in the monobank
On December 26 December Foxtrot, one of the biggest Ukrainian retailers of electronics and household appliances, announced new direction cooperation with monobank, becoming partner of market by mono. Now mono customers can purchase technology, gadgets and other assortment of the retailer with payment in parts directly in the bank app.
In the Foxtrot assortment on the market by mono can order a variety of goods, including personal gadgets and technology for home, holiday and leisure. The number of SKU exceeds 5000 names.
Reminder, In November 2024 year the retailer also announced the beginning of work on the Kasta marketplace and in the first month the added 52% of new customers from the total number of orders on the platform. Collaboration with the country’s biggest fashion marketplace Kasta includes the placement of about 10 000 goods from the retailer’s assortment.
At the end of 2024 year Foxtrot increased turnover by 13% compared with the previous year and increased online sales on the platform Foxtrot.ua by 42%. By the end of 2024 year the retailer is represented by 124 stores in 66cities of Ukraine (in tom including – in frontline Kherson, Kramatorsk and Slaviansk), internet store Foxtrot.ua and some mobile application.
What New Year orders were made by Ukrainians online: analytics network Aurora
The multimarkets Aurora has analyzed orders of customers in the Christmas-New Year period. The most popular items in online were: calendar with wishes for 2025 year, anti-stress toy “Paw”, chocolate figure “Saint Nikolai” and tubing sleds. And January 1 2025 purchased mostly chocolate, coffee and household goods.
The most active purchasers were residents of Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov oblasts, and the principal differences between the filling of the basket between regions were not. In both the Western, and Central regions, and also in the frontline territories the most demanded were kitchen supplies, children’s toys and games, New Year’s decor.
In December 2024 year customers made almost twice as many internet orders as compared with December of the last year.
Mobile Application Allo: redesign and new features
For a year the Allo team worked on improving the mobile application Allo. In part, the directory of products is now compliant with the best practices of mobile design, the speed of loading and the speed of the design is increased.redesigned navigation. Fully changed the category structure. Customers received an additional option to search for required goods in themed blocks Game zone, Apple, Xiaomi and Samsung.
Revamped Search for goods, now the ability to sort goods by new filter – size discount. Customers can see all possible offers of credit for customers customers can see all possible offers for credit purchases. The Video Advice Expert Online service is now openable not directly from the card of the goods. For more details about the new functions read here.
Totals of Glovo work in 2024 year
In the annual Glovo Delivered 2024 for Ukraine the company summarized the performance of the last year. So, in 2024 year the Ukrainians made by 30% more orders and ordered by 39% more units of goods, than in 2023. The number of users who made at least one order in 2024 year, increased by 24%, while the average amount of order increased by 17%. Interestingly, the most uploaded day on the Glovo app was March 8 and that was when users made the highest number of orders.
The number of orders from restaurants increased by 26% compared with the previous year. Ukraine took the second second place after Spain in the popularity of the format “Pick up yourself” for dishes from restaurants, and in this year the number of orders for self-checkout increased by 16%.
The number of orders from supermarkets and Glovo Express darkstores increased by 46%, and from non-food stores by 111% compared with the last year. Almost twice increased category “Flowers”, and more often ordered flowers users in Ternopil, Vinnitsa and Kiev. The number of orders in the category of over-the-counter drugs increased by 55%. Reminder, in Ukraine the Glovo service Glovo began working in October 2018 year and is represented in 38 cities.
Figures of the year from Eva.ua
Eva – the largest national network of beauty and health stores. In today times takes about 1100 1100 shopping points in all Ukraine and has its own internet-store eva.ua. In the last months 2024 year the internet-store received about 20,000 orders in a day. His share of the total sales of the company is about 14%, and this is one of the highest indicators in similar business models in Ukraine. In peak moments, like on Black Friday, eva.ua received 55 000 orders.
The online store’s assortment is larger than the Eva network, and it is continually expanding. In 2023 it counted 100 000 SKUs,Last year’s 140 000 SKU, and in 2025 has all chances of growing to 180 000 SKU.
To work with the electronic commerce segment requires a very different approach, each order needs to be packaged and shipped to an individual customer. So s from 2018 year for segment e-com the company has separate warehouses. So there are three – in Dnipro, Brovary and Lviv. Lvovsky was opened in 2021 year along with the service retail stores network.
In Lviv the retailer is building an additional warehouse for the needs of electronic commerce with an area of 9000 sq. m – the building is almost ready, as is the area next door. The new warehouse is planned to be operational in 2026 .
Retail network supply goods five warehouses in Dnipro, Kharkiv, Lviv, Brovary and Odessa. Assortment standard trading point Eva is to 21000 SKU. The total area of distribution centers of the company is about 120 000 sq. m.
Nova post processed a record number of sentences in one day – 2,24 million sentences
On December 23 December 2024 of the Nova post reached a new record, processing 2245336sentencesinaday.Themostpopularitemsdeliveredbythecompanyinthisperiodwereclothing,homegoodsanddecorativecosmetics.LastyearontheeveoftheHolidaysNovaPostaalso setarecordforthenumberof shipments.December 18December2023yearthecompanyprocessed2012012943parcelsacrossthewideUkraine.
AlsoNovapostalauncheditsfirstsolarpowerpower1MW,occupying5000sq.m.Theprojectcostwas14millionHrn.In thenearesttimethecompanywillinstallindustrialsystemsofuninterruptiblepowerandequipmentforstorageofelectricity,whichwillmakeitsenergycapacitymoreefficient.Reminder,thatin2024yearintheNovaGroup(NovaPosta)wascreatedNovaEnergy,providingfuel-energyindependenceoftheGroup’senterprises.The companyalreadyoperatesinthemarketofwholesalefuelsupplies,andinfuturewillinthemarketofelectricitysupplies.