We present a regular pickup of news FMCG-market for the last month of 2024 year. The month was very saturated on news. Some of them were not even included in the review, and we will be publishing the non-food category in a separate pick.
There are what TMs we have recorded for the reporting period: “Lyubich”, “BelAkvaBai”, “Babushka Anya”, “Bela-Kola”, “Minskaya-4”, Exponenta, “Spicy Dom”, Loventa, “It’s tasty”, “Lesa Polya”, “Chen-Hong”, “Maryino”, PastaMania.
We remind you that the Supplement comes out at the beginning of every month. Your new products will be recognized by representatives of trade networks and suppliers.
Send information on the next pickup to the address of the editorial [email protected]. Deadline – the last date of the reporting month. The Collection is released in the first week of the next month of the reporting month.
Gluboksky Milk and Canned Food Kombinat has introduced to the shelves a new trade brand of natural cheese “Lubich”
The brand’s portfolio includes semi-hard and matured varieties. The Basic platform of the brand’s slogan “Cheese that connects loved ones.”
The name comes from the name of the Slavic god of love, marriage and family values – he also Lelia (Lelio, Lel). Phonetically sounds like a derivative of the word “favorite”.
In the name is
associated with tenderness and south. The imeral color of the package, symbolizing freshness and naturalness, harmonizes well
with the color of the cheese. The branding “Belarusian quality” emphasizes the origin of the product.
Executive – branding agency AVC.
A new line of beverages of BelAquaBai
BelAquaBai, a company specializing in the production of carbonated beverages, kvass, drinkable and mineral water, presented new beverages based on
mineral water.
The first beverage is a combination of mineral water with
natural flavors of lemon, apple, elderberry and cherry.
The second beverage
is mineral water with addition of natural juices of cherry, lemon, wine and grapefruit.
Imbric bread batter for cookies and gingerbread from the Company BREMOR
The BREMOR Company released Ginger bread batter for Christmas cookies and gingerbread. The new product has been sold under the brand “Grandma Anya”.
The novelty opens a new niche of dough for cooking cookies in Belarus. Imbic cookies in
Europe are an essential attribute of Christmas, which are decorated with trees. These popular sweets are distinguished by a saturated flavor and aroma of spices. The cookies can also be used as a gift to close friends and friends.
New Year line of beverages from ZAO “Minsk
plant of non-alcoholic beverages”
K New Year MZBN released traditional
line of gazarivka in holiday packaging: on the bottles of “Bela-Kola” the fair toy and the neon tree, on “Minskaya-4”.
The pictures are made with use neural networks by motifs “Nutcracker”.
The design was worked by agency Muffin group (with use neural networks).
Executor – branding agency Muffin Group
New Products in Exponenta’s Lineup
has introduced two new series of products – Exponenta Fitness Cheese
and Exponenta Whey.
Exponenta Fitness Cheese is lactose-free. In the line two flavors: paprika-carrot and cunjut-lemon
New New Baking Mixes from Spicy House
The Spicy House has introduced a new line of baking mixes from three varieties: Muffin Mix (chocolate, vanilla), Cheesecake Mix , Fondan Mix
New Loventa
The Loventa brand Loventa specializes in frosted cakes. Two new flavors – they are two-layer cakes
with combinations of different flavors:
- almond-pistachio-chocolate (plombier with
the flavor “Marzipan”, with filler of grated almond and pistachio
crumbs and chocolate plombier with milk andchocolate filler)
- strawberry-raspberry-blackberry (strawberry plombier with berry flavor and ice cream with blackberry cheesecake flavor , garnished with slices of dried raspberries).
In future future plans to expand the line with new flavors and
formats packaging.
Executive – branding agency AVC.
New flavors in the
lineup of cheese from Babushkina Krynka
New flavors in the lineup “It’s tasty”of
the cheese of Babushkina Krynka have become new flavors: with garlic, mushrooms, greens and the classic
variant without additives.
“Pruzhansky milk company” released new cheese under TM “Lesa-Fields”
The new line of 4 varieties of cheeses: Cheddar, Gouda, Sour Cream, Melted Cream.
Volkovysky Meat Processing Plant
released China’sколбасу
Волковысский мясокомбинат представил варено-копченую колбасу с китайским колоритом под
названием «Чен-Хонг».
Слоеное тесто «Марьино» от СООО «Морозпродукт»
Компания «Морозпродукт»дополнил продуктовый портфель бренда «Марьино» новой категорией продуктов – слоеное дрожжевое и бездрожжевое тесто.
Тесто подходит как для сладостей, так и для выпечки с соленой
Дизайн упаковки был тщательно продуман с сохранением уже сформированной узнаваемой
структуры макетов бренда.
Исполнитель — брендинговое агентство AVC.
Новая линейка мясных намазов Молодечненского мясокомбината
Молодечненский мясокомбинат представил новую линейку мясных намазов синдейкойикурицейподТМPastaMania.Влинейкечетыревкуса:прянаяиндейка,аппетитнаяиндейка,цыпленоксорехамиигрибами,цыпленокпо-восточномуспряностями.