Italian Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said, that the European Union should establish a cap of 50 – 60 euros per hour of increases in the price, to avoid potential price shocks, reports Reuters.
The Agency notes that the fear of a strong increase in Europe has increased following this, when by 2025 years the first Russian gas stopped flowing
through Ukraine pipelines.
What one should remember is that the European Union all two price limit ends at the end of the day . Besides this, it is also high at 180 euros per 1 MWh. This price has not been fixed in the European Region since the fall of 2022 .
“I think that now the European Union should expand the price limit to 180 euro, by 50 or 60 euros” Gilberto Pichetto Fratin told Radio in an interview on Friday.
He also reported that Italy’s gas storage stores are 80 percent full, which is enough for the next two months with no risk of supply problems.
Today in Amsterdam Bridge natural gas costs about one percent to 50,04eurosperhour.Duringthelastyearsthepriceoftheinourcontinenthasjumpedbyevenfivepercent.