The Journal of Laws published new regulations concerning the quality of commercial packaging of unit spirited beverages of up to 200 milliliters. According to new regulations, such beverages may be sold only in bottles or cans, which means the end of controversial “alcotubes”, which caused a widespread public debate. Because of the posts of producers, a 30-day transition period has been introduced, allowing the trade of “alcotubes” maximum until 28 February br.
The Journal of Laws published the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture and Development of January 28 2025 year. on the specific requirements in the commercial quality of packaging of some beverages spirits. Document defines specific requirements in the range of commercial
quality of packages of unit beverages spirits, whose nominal size is up to 200 militers.
Beverages spirited, which have been introduced into circulation before the day of entry in regulation in packages of size up to 200 milliliters other than bottles or cans, may remain in circulation for 30 days after the day of entering into New regulations.
End with typical packaging of alcohol
The Regulation reads:
“§ 2. Spirits beverages in under Article 2 of Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2019/787 of the day 17 of April 2019 . on definition, description, presentation and labeling of spirits, (….) zwwere further “beverages spirited”, in unit packages of nominal size up to 200 milliliters, are introduced into circulation in bottles or in cans, with labeling in under Article. 4 pct 3 of this Regulation those bottles or those cans:
1) shall not cause doubt or lead to error in the identification of spirits beverages;
2)enables differentiation of spirited beverages from other foods, in particular from foods designedforchildren.
Theregulationsaretheaftermathoftheautumn scandalrelatedtotheintroductioninstoresofthe so-calledalkotube.The”morality”oftheproductwas debatedbypoliticiansandinternauts.Finallythecalotubeswerewithdrawnfromshops.