With the end of March 2025 year, Carrefour will finish distribution of paper newspapers to customers’ homes. This move is part of the accelerated strategy to digitize the retailer.
The decision concerning the French market was communicated by President of the network Alexandre Bompard, who stated, that the network will end with “waste paper.”
15 thousand tonnes of saved paper per year
President Alexandre Bompard has noted, that Carrefour is digitizing all its French brochures since 2022 , making they available on the internet website and on the company’s app, and also through email and WhatsApp. It is expected that this initiative will save 15 000 tons of paper per year, and the savings will be reinvested in prices for customers.
Withdrawal from paper store gazettes is an increasingly popular trend in trade.
Carrefour originally planned to stop delivering gazettes only in January 2026 , but after successful tests in major cities, such as Paris and Lyon, the retailer decided to implement the change earlier.
Carrefour is not the first French supermarket chain to eliminate brochures; leader market E.Leclerc has made a similar move in September 2023 .
In Belgium retailers also focus more on personalized communication digital, to reduce waste of paper. For example Delhaize significantly reduced the circulation of brochuresin2023,aLidlhascompletelystoppeddistributionofbrochuresinsuchcitiesasAntwerp,Ghentau, LiègeandNamur.