
NF Group: in 2025 year in St. Petersburg could grow number of new stores offoreignbrands

NF Group: в 2025 году в Санкт-Петербурге может вырасти количество магазинов новых иностранных брендов

According to research of consulting company NF Group, in 2025 year in St. Petersburg is expected to open four new trading centers and the second stage of the acting trade center with a leasable area of 136 kilometers. sq. m

Pressmaster/ Shutterstock/ Fotodom

Pressmaster/ Shutterstock/ Fotodom

Simultaneously with this analysts noted the potential for the entry into market new foreign brands, which in 2024 year began expansion in Russia, opening their first stores in Moscow. The share of vacant places on the background of new openings of trade centers could increase to 4%, which with this remains low indicator for the market.

In 2024 year in shopping centers Saint-Petersburg appeared five new foreign brands, three of of which

Source: NF Group

Source: NF NF Group

In turn, in 2024 year stores of seven foreign brands will close in shopping centers Saint-Petersburg and

What is about the general rotation of tenants inside the Petersburg TCs, beginning with second half 2023 year and until mid 2024 year the volume of openings exceeded the volume of closings (by area). This is explained by active expansion of Russian fashion -retailers, which actively replaced foreign brands that had left from Russia . This trend with minimal growth of new supply led to

“The dynamics of store openings and closings are now stabilizing and returning to market-wide indicators, when closings are predominantly planned. We do not observe a sharp increase in the levels of vacancy, related with crisis events. In 2025 year we expect reinforcement of the trend on reduction of free places in existing trade centers. Possible temporary increase in vacancy through new input and optimization of separate facilities, but with the current low levels of vacancy of trade places, it is likely that the free premises will find new tenants,  – reported Evgenia Khakberdieva, regional director of the department of trade real estate NF Group.

In 2024 year no nbsp;St. Petersburg was opened none single trade center. B 2025year in the city planned to open five Ts leasable area 136 thousand sq. m. The largest of them – TRC Hollywood – has been in operation and, by forecasts, will open doors to visitors in the first half of 2025 year. The construction of TC  “Nebo” in  Murino and  “Lunapark” in  Novogorelovo is also completed, now in  they are conducting finishing work. Opening “Park Mall” on Avenue Prosveshcheniya is announced on spring 2025 year, with this already working online platform site. In addition, by the end of year the second stage of “EcoPark” in

Po results 2024 year the share of free squares in shopping centers Saint-Petersburg decreased by 4 p.p.p. by compared with December 2023 year and reached 3,1%. The lowest level was recorded in June 2024 year (3%), after which the vacancy increased significantly (+0.1 p.п.) The growth of the indicator in II half-year was conditioned by closing a number of stores, including “Perekrestok” in Atlantic City, Eolok in Continent on Zvezdnaya, Nonton in Ligov and others.

Source: NF Group

Source: NF NF Group

By the end of 2024 year in key trading centers vacancy decreased to a record in the last 15 years of (1.3%). Large places previously occupied by IKEA, were leased to the Megamarket network. In Outlets Saint-Petersburg (Outlet Village Pulkovo and Fashion House ) the share of free places in December 2024 year was 6,9%. At the same time, since the end of 2022 year a stable decrease in the volume of empty places was observed.During last year in Outlets Saint-Petersburg opened stores of such brands as Street Beat, Mango, 2Mood, Idol, Emka, Sneaker BohThe share of Russian brands in size occupied space in average on market increased over three years from 70 to 85%, and in outlet – from 39 to 61%.

In super-regional trade centers (with leasable area more than 75 thousand sq. m) recorded the most significant decrease in vacancy over

Evgenia Khakberdieva noted that in in 2025 year in St. Petersburg and suburbs is expected record volume of openings of trade centers. The majority of announced projects represent some small-format objects. Tem not nevertheless, optimization space,and alsodecreasinginterestinthe massopeningnewstoresbecause ofhighcostofborrowedfinancingand risingcostsfor constructionand finishing,maycouldleadto asignificantincreaseinvacancy levels.By the end of2025yearthe share offreespaceinthemarket,with consideringthelaunchingofnewTCs,couldto beabout4%,whichremainsrelativelylow.

Rent ofpremisesforlightindustryincreasedover yearby 27%

Opening ofminimum40%announcedin MoscowTC maybepostponedto 2025year

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