
News food&beverage: McDonald’s, Gabar, Chernomorka, leaders in the number of openings in 2024 year andother

Новости food&beverage: McDonald’s, Gabar, Черноморка, лидеры по количеству открытых заведений в 2024 году и другое

Opening of McDonald’s near Filling Station Grand Petrol in Kiev, two new institutions Gabar, oyster vending machines from the network Chornomorka, 120 closed establishments in Kiev in 2024 year, and also restaurant networks which opened the largest number of establishments in the last year.

McDonald’s opened a new restaurant at the Filling Station at the entrance to Kiev

A new McDonald’s restaurant has opened in Kiev – at the intersection of Nikolai Nikolai Bazhan prospect and Kharkovsky highway with the entrance to the city from Boryspol traffic. This is the 109th 109th establishment of the network operating in Ukraine, and 124th in together (including 15, which are temporarily closed because of security requirements). This McDonald’s is the last new establishment that the company opened in 2024.

The new institution is built in collaboration with AZK Grand Petrol, which became the fourth partner of McDonald’s among AZKs. The format of this cooperation allows the company to form a wide complex of services in one location and gives customers the opportunity to receive at once numerous services: refuel autos and enjoy the favorite meals.

The restaurant is located in a separate one-storey building at address prospect Nikolai Bazhan, 19 B in 5 minutes walk from station metro Borispolskaya. Total area of restaurant – 465 sq. m. In hall has 116 seating seats, and on the terrace – more 68.

From the first day of operation visitors can order meals at the cashier, at self-service terminals and with McDelivery from 7:00 to 23:00. For Carpoolers from 5:00 am to 23:00 pm there will be two McDrive lines with separate parking spaces where to conveniently wait for orders. The establishment is equipped with a generator, like and in most 90% of McDonald’s restaurants in all Ukraine, so service will continue and in the time of electricity outages.

The new restaurant provides about 100 jobs . Total McDonald’s in Ukraine employs about 10 10 000 employees.
As and the other McDonald’s in Ukraine, the establishment will operate under extended security rules. At the time of the air alarm, the restaurant will close to allow employees and visitors to move to the nearest opening, and reopen within an hour after the disaster.

New facilities Gabar in Vinnitsa and Rovno

10 January 2025 year was opened a new facility network in Vinnitsa at address: Ul. Skaletskaya, 35.

This is a franchise point of network. The establishment has over 140 square m and is sized for 44 people. It is located not far from the hospital and the local market Urozhay at the crossroads, where there is a large flow of people. Vinnitsa Gabar provides 10 workers located and has an autonomous source of food, so even in the blackout customers can try hot meals.

In the middle of the Monthly Monthly Summer.January 2025th in test mode operated Gabar in Rovno at address: Knyazya Romana, 13. This is the fiftieth point of network, which opened franchisees.

The establishment is on the first floor of the window of a multi-story building, where numerous student youth, young families and workers from different spheres. According to franchisee, the reasonable point for the purchase of franchise was the idea to find a format for the catering of soccer players club Veres, a there are two teams – 40 players – and there are also pupils of the academy, where the children train and then and open an institution for the people of the city.

“There is no lack of an establishment similar format, because we differ from the classic establishment of fast food that, we have a line of homemade and restaurant meals, and we also have numerous salads and sweet desserts. People who save their time, rushing from work to home or raising children can come to order food, take with themselves and be confident that they are eating homemade food at an affordable price, ” says franchisee Ekaterina Litvinchuk.

Also by voting the votes of the audience who went to the test opening, received more than 95% positive feedback about the format of the institution and the dish. So there will be an official opening soon.

Black Sea installs oyster vending machines

The first vending machine has already been launched at an establishment on Podol.will be issued at the restaurant as convenient to the guest: they can be eaten at the place or taken with themselves. There’s also a Oyster Bar, where you can pick up sauces, tartare and beverages.

The machine keeps the Oysters the same as in the inns of the network: live in sea water. The temperature in the vending machine 8-9 degrees, which is controlled by special equipment. The plan is that the Oysters will be loaded into the vending machine as a minimum of times in a day.

The vending machines are planned to be installed at gas stations, train stations, business centers and restaurants in the network. The equipment was selected based on experience with similar pools in restaurants.

The first Oyster Avangard machine was developed by Ukrainian enterprise Avangard. The device contains up to 240 live oysters, has a touch screen for selection and payment, and also a mechanism for discharging the oyster from the water.

“We are thinking about creating similar solutions for other seafood species, ” says the team. In addition, an oyster bar with a vending machine on Podol will be tested as a possible franchise business. The team plans to in a few months to install more few vending machines outside their restaurants. They also want to realize the project and abroad.

The company wants to open the first store Black Sea online. It will be a new format as a place to fry and deliver fish.

For 2024 year in Kiev closed about 120 restaurants and cafes

Director of analytical center “Restaurants Ukraine” Olga Nasonova analyzed on her page in Facebook the situation in the restaurant market in Kiev and why there are numerous closures of establishments. RAU offers familiarization with the basic conclusions.

The expert drew attention to that in the current 2024 year in Kiev about 120 restaurants and cafes. And though Kiev leads, but is not an exception, as in Lviv in the last year closed or were at the sale stage about 50 establishments.

In the capital didn’t stand the reality check:

    • New establishments with bright ideas that have not been successful to take off, because they didn’t have enough money and time;
    • New establishments with the wrong concept, not in that city and not with those prices;
    • Old establishments that had already really become outdated, there was no money to rebuild and the owners were not ready to change anything;
    • Long-standing already operating establishments that closed to rebrand and restore in a new format. “Someone has even succeeded,” Nasonova noted;
    • Facilities “in places that suddenly have become unhappy”: for example, the TC, from which are being kicked out.During the time of the alarms, the places where the neighborhood was arrived, or business centers, where people never appeared;
    • Restaurants and cafes that look successful (with large numbers of visitors and subscribers and on social media), but in the most suffer from financial strains – increases in rents, taxes, wages, high utility payments, and also the price of products. Not everyone has the strength to fight this.

    “External factors, such as power outages, anxiety, mobilization, and war in general have played a role. Solvency falls, and people with money for all institutions are not enough. So the best guests remain the most successful. But such such lucky in Kiev about 15% of the market”, – summarized Olga Nasonova.

    Who of restaurateurs opened the most of all establishments in 2024 year – Research Poster

    Poster Poster System Automation of establishments Posted on the channel “Revet and Stonet restaurateur” the results of a survey of owners of Ukrainian restaurant companies about the number of new locations of their projects, which opened in 2024 year. Accordingly, a ranking of the Top 10 leaders has been compiled.

    In the Company Poster asked the owners of Gal Baluvan and CoffeeArt about other projects that they are developing, and Lviv Croissants and Chernomorka – about the international expansion, and also learned about the opening of Gastrofamily and McDonald’s.

    Takes the rating of the Pizza Day chain, which applies artificial intelligence, in particular to serve customers, improve the performance of the marketing and sales. Result of work network in last year – 81 new institutions.

    Galya Baluvana is in second place in the ranking with 70 open locations in Ukraine. Also the company continues to develop other projects: Gabar (9 new locations), Polish Wesola Pani (40 new locations) and MultiCook abroad (150 new locations).

    The three leading leaders are also the master of delicious and natural ice cream Faini Liodi, which seven years years back began development in Lviv and by state on the season 2024 year has already been represented in 30 cities and 12 regions Ukraine (total more than 120 locations). For 2024 year was opened 53 new points.

    Zaporizhzhya CoffeeArt is the sixth place with 26 new locations. Owners opened and other projects: Rubimjarim – 7 new locations, Mlyny – 2 new locations, Mavra – 1 new location.

    Lviv Croissants took the ninthplacewith22newrestaurants.ThecompanyalsoopenedoneestablishmentinPoland,Slovakia,Czech RepublicandtheUnited States.In2024yearLvivCroissantsweremorefocusedonininternationalexpansion,sothe number oflocationsopenedinUkraineislowerthanusually.

    GastrofamilyopenedsevenestablishmentsinUkraineandtwoinPoland.TheyearbeganwiththeBarsukrestaurantinKievonLukyanovka,whichfivedaysbeforeopeningwas blastedwithaexplosivewavethat blew outthewindowsanddamagedtheequipment.Thewindowswere quicklyreplaced,the damagerepaired,andcontinuedwork.ThenopenedsixbarsWhiteFillinginUkraine(BilaKherkia,Lutsk,Rovno,Irpen,twoinKiev)andtwoinPoland(Warsaw,Gdansk).


    Black Seahas openedfiveinUkraine,fourinEuropeandoneOysterandGusifacility.

    Black SeahasopenedfiveinUkraine,fourinEuropeandoneOysterandGusifacility.

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