In the RAU Summit 2024 co-founder WR Group Petr Punyak and CEO of the Company Olga Yaremchuk presented to participants a new format of commerce in large cities on the example of the own projects, which are planned to open in 2025 year.
Change focus of work
For six years of existence the WR Group company WR Group realized 12 commercial projects totaling more than 105 000 sq. m, of which about 58 000 sq. m – is office real estate. Six more six new TC projects are in work and the company plans to complete these in 2025 year. If in the previous years the developer created trade complexes primarily in Lviv region, then now is considering the opportunities to install TC in Vinnitsa and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts, slowly moving to the side of the capital.
Last year a important transformation WR Group occurred when the company retired from managing the constructed TCs, switching to investment direction. With big experience in the sector of commercial real estate and its own market expertise, the company offers realization of the project Ts “turnkey”: from finding land plot to management project. Also expanding the spectrum of objects under construction, among which, in addition to trade centers, apart-hotels, logistics centers and etc.
In addition, WR Group has created its own investment product, allowing potential potential investors to invest in the product.investors to become owners of new TCs, investing only a part of the value of the object. And have already begun cooperation with some investment funds.
Shift in trends in the market
Before 2022 year trade centers were preferentially built large format, that conditioned their location on the sides of large cities, where it would be long enough to travel.
In the time of the full-scale invasion construction of such projects was suspended. In these conditions WR Group focused on the construction of small TCs in cities with populations of 30 000 people, located adjacent to large cities, or are district centers.For example, in the Lviv region are such cities as Drohobych and Truskavets. It is about the TC total area 10 10 000 – 15 000 sq. m, where could be collected all commerce of the city, covering the primary needs of its inhabitants. For the investor of such object increases the possibility of revenue project, because a second such TC will already not needed.
The examples of such small district sites are TC Park in Drohobych on the Vladimir l. Vladimir Velikiy, 1 P and TC Vektor in the city Truskavets on sul. Stebnitskaya, 43 A. A short time ago was opened TC Locus in the settlement Rudnoe ( Sheptytskogo str,2 A) Lviv region. There is only 15 000 people and many doubted whether to build the TC there. But with considering the nearest populated points and the close to about 30 000 potential buyers. The first line of Locus CTC is more than 3500 sq. m. After the launch of two subsequent lines the total area of CTC will increase to 11800 sq. m (10 000 sq. m rental).
Innovative approach to commerce
The WR Group offers a innovative approach: comprehensive solution for comfort and development of neighborhoods of large cities. About three years ago the company noticed that too much housing is being built in cities in whole villages, not individual houses, as it was before. Hence, established partnership relationships with developers, to plan immediately in new residential massifs small shopping centers from 2000 sq. m to 10 000 sq. m, located on the first floors of houses.
In particular, in May 2025 the planned launch in Lviv of the under-construction TOC Galas on Ul. Kulparkivska, 96 in the borders of new residential array. His total area will be 9900 sq. m (commercial 7800 sq. m) and there are already no free places for tenants. This is explained by the fact that there are usually about 10 000 residents in a sleeping around 10 000 residents consisting of so called “subscription traffic”, providing the needed turnover of trade.
If it used to take about an hour of time to go to the TRC, then now it is possible to make purchases in as 10-15 minutes. And and for the tenants conveniently, that with the construction of the location from the began with all conditions for the placement of the store of trade.
At the present time the collaboration with developers in five locations is underway. Their benefit is in that the presence of TC increases the value of square meters of the built housing and guarantees stable income, as the shopping premises transfer into the ownership of the investor.
New projects
Most of the new TCs under construction WR Group, we should notice a small TC Apex in the center of Truskavets. His total area 4000 sq. m (retail 3460 sq. m).
Also in the city of Stryi Lviv oblast in January 2025 year the construction of the TC on 24 000 sq. m. The shopping mall is located about the biggest sleeping district, with the left side of the center of the city, and the traffic has 6000-8000 cars. So that the location is convenient and covers all flow. This TRC will be one-story and has already signed a contract with Silpo. Opening is planned by the end of 2025 year.
One more interesting project will be realized on Lubinskaya, 93 in Lviv. Cinematic Centers area 6800 in Lviv. Lubinskaya, 93 in Lvov. Cinematic Centers Cinematic with an area of 6800 sq. m located in the borders of a large sleeping array near the airport.
The residential array has stores and other interesting objects like gyms, but there is no one Town Center where it would be possible to come and satisfy all needs at once.
Zoning of the new TRC is typical for this kind of objects. In the underground premises parking, on the first floor supermarket and other stores closing everyday needs. The second will accommodate clothing and shoe stores, restaurants and offices. The third floor is allocated for the zone of rest with pool and SPA.
Near to plan to develop a square sq. m. Factually, residents of the LC and the neighborhoods can satisfy all their needs in one place, some without even leaving the bounds of their home.
The second TC in Lviv – Washington City ( J. Washington Street, 1) – is planned in Lychakovsky district, where there are also manynew LCs. When researching the needs ofthedwellersofthedistrict,we firstidentifiedthemaincategoriesofconsumersandidentifiedtheirpriorities.
Alsoresearchedthepossibleneedsofthebusinessownersandtenants,in ordertofindcommonpointsofcontent,definingtheconceptofthenewTRC.
Have taken into accounteventheneedsoftourists,whowanttolivehereandinthefinalconcepthaveevenenvisionedanapartment hotelonthe8-9storiesofthebuildingandaviewinggroundonthe16thfloor.Anotherpossibilityofplacingontheeighthflooroftheopenpool.
Herethere are alsoplanstoset upagroundforskatersandtokeeptheparkclose by,so thattheresidentsoftheneighboringneighborhoodscanalsoengagewiththemoderninfrastructureofthecity.