
New Trend: Employers Insure Medical Expenses So Employees Get Care Faster

Новый тренд: работодатели страхуют медицинские расходы, чтобы сотрудники быстрее получали помощь

Growing competition for talent and an increase in mental health problems, coupled with long waiting lists for treatment, are creating a new trend among employers – insuring their employees’ medical expenses. “One of the reasons for the growing popularity of employer-provided health insurance is the long waiting lists in the public health system – this is contributing to the development of the private medical sector and private health insurance,” said Olga Trošin, Head of Personal Insurance Product at BTA, adding that on the other hand, employers are increasingly competing with each other to attract talent, and employer-provided health insurance can be a decisive factor for some candidates when choosing a new job. According to the National Audit Office’s report on health trends in Estonia, the country has the highest unmet need for health care of all the countries in the European Union. While the average across countries is 4.8%, in Estonia the figure is 12.6%, due to a shortage of both health workers and other resources, as well as long waiting lists for specialist appointments and treatment. According to the National Audit Office, the average waiting time for an appointment with a gastroenterologist at East Tallinn Central Hospital in 2022 was 106 days, while the average waiting time for an appointment with an orthopaedist and traumatologist was 102 days. The wait for an appointment with a psychiatrist at West Tallinn Central Hospital was 98 days, despite the fact that the number of mental disorders has increased in difficult times. “Employer-provided health insurance is a relatively new product on the Estonian market, but its popularity is growing rapidly – in the first quarter of 2024, the market grew by 11% compared to the first quarter of last year,” said the Head of Personal Insurance Product at BTA, adding that employers are increasingly noticing that providing such additional benefits to employees increases their satisfaction and is an advantage when hiring. “With employer-provided health insurance, an employee can receive the necessary medical care faster if necessary, and their ability to work will not be limited by long queues. Insurance can also cover treatments and services that are not reimbursed by the Health Insurance Fund, such as medical examination packages, rehabilitation recommended by an occupational health and safety physician, or dental treatment that exceeds the state limit," Troshin explained the benefits of health insurance for employees provided by employers. "It's a big deal when an employer can take care of an employee and cover unexpected, expensive medical expenses," said the head of the personal insurance product. More and more attention is being paid to mental disorders and illnesses and their prevention. This is another area in which an employer can help. "Especially after the coronavirus pandemic, mental health insurance offered by an employer has become more popular – it helps prevent mental health conditions such as burnout and depression, and improves employee productivity and performance. The number of sick days is also reduced," Troshin explained. “The most popular insurance coverages are outpatient treatment, dentistry, outpatient rehabilitation, preventive medical examinations and, which has recently become increasingly popular, mental health insurance,” said the head of the BTA personal insurance product. “A total of 13 different insurance coverages are offered, from which you can choose and put together the most suitable health insurance packages depending on your wishes and budget. It is important for employers to know that the tax exemption on expenses incurred to maintain the health of employees is up to 100 euros per quarter, provided that the insurance is offered to all employees of the company,” said Troshin. According to the head of the BTA personal insurance product, it is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of the insurance product and also pay attention to the exclusions. “For example, health insurance does not cover expenses if the service provider does not have the appropriate license or qualifications.” Read RusDelfi wherever it is convenient for you. Follow us on Facebook, Telegram, Instagram and even TikTok.

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