
New subsidies to fertilizer microbial products. On what rules? Responses MRiRW.

Nowe dopłaty do nawozowych produktów mikrobiologicznych. Na jakich zasadach? Odpowiada MRiRW
  • From March 2025 year there is to appear a new exochemat: biological cultivation of plants. 
  • The farmer will be able to receive subsidies not only to biological preservatives for plant but also to fertilizer products microbiological (NPM).
  • What conditions will the farmer have to meet?

In the year 2025 are to adopt amendments to the Strategic Plan 2023-2027. We are waiting for final acceptance of these changes by the European Commission. Many indicate however, that with the new season there will be new opportunities. 

In concerning with the planned launch of support for fertilization of microbial products the name will change from Biological protection crops to Biological crops. It will be composed of two variants:

a) Microbiological products for plant protection (variant 1) – 89.89 Euro/ha

b) Nutritional products microbiological (variant 2) – 22.47 Euro/ha

Support will be available to farmers, who apply fertilizer microbiological products indicated in the list of fertilizer microbiological products kept by Institute of Crops, Nutrition and Soil Science – State Research Institute: 

Requires this however still requires legislative confirmation. As has informed us the resort of agriculture:

– Implementation of a new type of support requires in the first modification of the Strategic Plan for Common Agricultural Policy for the year 2023-2027, a following national legislation that is. the law of February 8 2023 year. of Strategic Plan for Common Agricultural Policy for the year 2023-2027 and the relevant regulations

implementing the provisions of this Act.

However, there are one questions on what rules will be allocated support for fertilizer products microbial. 

In 2025 year, two variants in new biological ecoschemate. Navos microbial products also will be covered by payments

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In 2025 years, two variants in the new biological ecoscheme. Navosproducts microbial also will be covered by payments

Support only for products from list IUNG-.PIB

After first selected product must appear on the List of National products microbial products, which has been developed by IUNG-PIB in Puławawy. What conditions must be met for the product to be listed by IUNG-PIB?

As informed by the department of agriculture: 

The Minister in charge of agriculture will insert in the list, maintained on the basis of art. 25a of the Act on fertilizers and fertilization, the declared product, after verification, that it is an fertilizer product microbial, of which is specified in art. 2 paragraph. 1 of 10a of this law.

Before entering in the list there is a check that a given product meets the statutory definition, which states: “fertilizer products microbial are products containing only microorganisms, including microorganisms dead or inactive, or consort of those microorganisms and substances that form the substance for those microorganisms and their metabolites, and also harmless substances residue from substances, which improve the biological activity of soil or stimulate processes of nutrition of plants or fungi, a exclusive purpose of their application is to improve the efficient use of nutrients by plants or fungi, their resistance to abiotic stress, their qualitative characteristics or availability by non food nutrients from forms hardly available in soil.”

On the basis of Article 25a paragraph. 7 of the Act on fertilization and fertilization the Minister of Agriculture and Development of Village has authorized to maintain the list of the Institute of Cultivation, fertilization and Soil Science in soil. The institute documents entries into the list on the basis of the procedure available on the internet website of the Institute, which enables in a uniform way for all applicants to verify whether a given product meets the definition of a native microbiological product.

We asked also about that, can products containing mimic quantities of food ingredients also

may appear on this list?

-. According to the procedure applied by IUNG the applicant for entry into the diet

microbial product into the list is obligated to submit a statement on the composition of the product, in including

the composition of the food (up to 100%). Assessment of the described case is conducted individually, in based on documents provided. On this basis the Institute makes decisions, whether the eventual food components are food or are these.source of nutrients for crop plants – responsible MRiRW.

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The NPM list

steadily increases

As we have repeatedly written on the portal the NPM list is very expansive and every

start appears on it new products, also intended for e.g. on lawns, for ornamental plants or balcony plants. 

We asked therefore, will to all products from the IUNG-PIB list the farmer be able to apply for subsidies? 

– Today in the resort of agriculture work is underway to establish detailed rules for granting payments in the use of fertilizer preparations microbiological. The purpose of the projected support is primarily to improve the microbial activity of soil and stimulate processes of nutrition of plants – responded to. 

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Principles for new variant 

Provides for, that support for fertilization of microbiological products will be defined on principles similar to the variant for application of microbiological measures for plant protection that is. will be applied to surface crops permanently, agricultural land and wooded area in the agricultural-forest system (if there are cultivated trees in permanent green land).

MRiRW assumes, that the farmer will be obligated to submit to the Agency Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR):

  • named document.confirming the purchase of NPM or another nameable document confirming its acquisition, which NPM has been acquired and its quantity,
  • record of aggregate aggregates on the form developed by the Agency and made available on its website on the internet, in which the following information will be contained: number of recorded parcel, designation of agricultural parcel, area and type of cultivation, date and type of agricultural treatment performed, name of NPM applied, and quantity of NPM used, a also other informationnecessarytoconfirmtheperformanceofthoseactivities.

Inthe caseofbiologicalmeasuresforprotectionofplantstheindicatoristhelabel,whichisdevelopedonthebaseofmanyresearchscientific studies.In contrast,forfertilizedmicrobiologicalproductsthespeechisonlyaboutrecommendations.thereforeareacountlessquestions.Willthedoseofpreparationandnumberofapplicationshavetobeconsistentwiththerecommended?Whatifthefarmerappliesintheseasonhigherorlowerthanrecommendedbytheproducer?Andwhatifitusesaproductofthattypeinadifferentconditionthanthatisrecommended?WillmanufacturersofNPMnotincreasethedosesforapplication?Expandtootherpractices?Withcertaintythe useofthistypeofproductswillbedifficulttoverify relyingononontherecordsavailable intheregistryofagricultural treatments. 

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