- The Ministry of Climate and Environment has published a draft regulation on quality standards for biomass wood. The new regulations will strengthen requirements for the sale and combustion of biomass-based fuels, which are pellets, briquettes wood.
- After the entry of the Regulation on qualitative requirements for biomass obtained from trees and bush introduces, we will be able to heat home with pellets, whose diameter will be in the range from 6 mm to 8 mm, a length from 3.15 mm to 40 mm. The maximum moisture content in fuel and that in the brown state will not exceed 10%., a in dry state will not be able to exceed 1.2 percent.
- The fraction fine in wood pellets shall not exceed 1 percent, a minimum fuel value may not be lower than 16.5 MJ/kg, a based density nbsp;will have to be in the range: 600-750 kg/m3. The content of chemical additives will not must exceed 2 proc in wood pellets.
- The ordinance does not also for wood briquettes, used for heating houses.
- In the case of wood brickets – new, the maximum moisture will not exceed 12 proc, a ash 3 proc. in the dry state. From bark the minimum density of grain wood briquette is 0.9 g/cm3, a fuel value cannot be lower than 15.5 MJ/kg. Content of nitrogen not may be higher than 03%; sulfur: 0.04% and chlorine: 0.02% in dry state.
- W for pellet to boilers 3, 4 and 5 energy class or meeting the requirements of the design, the qualitative requirements will be same as for wood pellets.
- However wood pellets for boilers 3, 4 and 5 energy class or meeting requirements of the design, will have to exhibit the reduced maximum, allowable ash content to 0.7 proc. (a not 1.20%), a also higher minimum value of mechanical strength in the both state, a defined at 98%.
- When will come Regulations on quality standards for biomass wood?” Regulation will enter into effect after the flow of 14 days from the day of announcement by MKiŚ. That is very fast.
- Pellet prices for heating houses have increased on average from 30 £ to even 70 £ per ton in the last 30 days. How you still at the end of 2024 year could have been buying under 1000 zł/t (without theincluded costs of delivery), so in 2025 years prices are already over 1 thousand per ton and it is difficult to find a more attractive offer.
The Ministry of the Environment published a draft on qualitative requirements for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs. The project applies to biomass introduced for sale that is pellets and briquettes of trees as and those imported from abroad.
The Polish market may already never find a shortage of wood pellets, and owners of pellet boilers will face a huge problem. The threat to the Polish pellet market is the project of the Minister of Climate and Environment in the issue of detailed qualitative features.Dimensional wood energy over the form which on the minute Monday debated the joint Parliamentary committees for Energy Affairs, Climate and State Activities, the Commission to Protect Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry – additionally noted experts PIGSW. – The pellet industry alerts, that the proposed in the regulation will lead to a situation, in which the Polish market may run out of wood pellets, a hundreds thousands of owners of pellet boilers in Poland will be targeted to two times more expensive pellet from import.
The Ministry of Climate and Environment stresses, that new regulations are to restrict combustion of solid fuels with biomass with admixtures of chemically processed additives and plastics in households and heating installations of power up to 1 MW.
MKiŚ wants to introduce new more restrictive requirements for pellet and briquette wood
As the authors point out, actual fuel solid from biomass, a also biomass obtained from trees and shrubs, introduced into trading or procedured by customs for release into trading in briquette or pellet form, not be covered by the monitoring and control system and not established for their legally binding quality requirements.
However, many domestic manufacturers produce and introduce, both on the domestic and foreign markets, pellets have certified quality ENplus or DINplus. Certification Systems ENplus and DINplus standardize production, like and quality of solid fuel from biomass.
Today quality requirements for pellets or also wood briquette burned in individual heating devices are included in instructions for operation of heating devices in form of recommended parameters of quality of fuel andinformation, that using fuel with different parameters may cause improper operation of the device and loss of warranty. Certification is voluntary and is implemented
by manufacturers, who want to ensure the product of the best quality and market their products mainly outside the
borders of Poland, which results in the domestic market there are more fuel solid forms without information about
their quality – the authors of the project emphasize.
The Draft Regulation specifies quality requirements for briquette, pellet and pellet for heating devices 3, 4 and 5 class energy or meeting requirements of the design.
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Stricter requirements for wood pellets, which will be able to heat houses
The Regulation on qualitative requirements for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs introduces more restrictive requirements for wood pellets to heat houses.
After the requirement passes, we will be able to heat home with pellets, whose diameter will be in the range from 6 mm to 8 mm, a length from 3.15 mm to 40 mm.
Maximum moisture content in fuel pellet and that in the collapsed state will not exceed 10%., a in dry
state will not
be able to exceed 1.2 percent.
The fraction fine in wood pellets is not to exceed 1 percent, a minimum fuel value must not be lower than 16.5 MJ/kg, a based density nbsp;will have
to be in the range: 600-750 kg/m3. The content of chemical additives will not be must exceed 2 proc in wood pellets.
New quality requirements for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs input into trading or being procedured by customs for trading in form wood pellets
requirements for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs into trading or procedure customs release into trading
in pellet form. Source: MKiŚ
Additionally in wood pellets:
- nitrogen (N) in dry state will not exceed 0.30%;
- sulfur whole (S) in dry will be may exceed 0.04%;
- chlorine (Cl) in dry state will not be may exceed 0.02%.
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Regulation concerning qualitative requirements for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs will also impose mandatory reduction of nitrogen in pelle. As we read in the new Regulation:
Data market and studies of quality parameters of fuel – pellet currently available on the market indicate, that the values of parameter of nitrogen are in the range 0.08-0.22 [% mass., state dry].
This initiates a series of transformations in air of organic gases and leads therefore to the formation in atmosphere of substantial dust of organic character, therefore therefore the value parameter of nitrogen has proposed at higher level 0.3 [% mas., status dry] than resulting from norm 0.5 [% mas, state dry] – as for class A1.
The Regulation does not also forget qualitative requirements, a for the production of wood bricks, used for heating homes.
Timber briquettes for heating houses also with higher quality requirements
Changes in values of parameters for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs input into trading or under customization procedure for trading in briquette have been proposed.w
case parameter:
- value humidity, value additives, value fuel, value nitrogen, value of sulfur total and value of chlorine – at the same levels as for brick wood class A1;
- the ash value and density grain
– at levels as for briquette wood class A2.
What does this in practice mean for owners of houses heating theirs with wood briquettes?
New quality requirements for biomass harvested from trees and shrubs into trading or procedured for trading in briquette form
New quality requirements for biomass harvested from trees
and shrubs into trading or procedure customs release into trading in briquette form. Source MKiŚ
In the case of wood briquettes –
new, the maximum moisture will not exceed 12 proc, a ash 3 proc. in the dry state.
From bark the
minimum grain density of wood briquette is 0.9 g/cm3, a fuel value cannot be lower than 15.5 MJ/kg. Content of nitrogen not may be higher than 03%; sulfur: 0.04% and chlorine: 0.02% in dry state.
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Regulation defines new requirements for pellets to boilers 3,4, and 5 class and meeting the requirements of the
values of parameters for biomass
obtained from trees
and shrubs, introduced into trading or procedured by customs for release in form.pellets for heating devices 3, 4 and 5 energy class or meeting requirements of the design are proposed at the same levels as for pellets class A1.
New qualitative requirements for biomass picked from
trees and shrubs input into trading or procedure customized for trading in form pellets for heating equipment class 3, 4 and 5 or meeting the requirements of
New qualitative requirements for biomass obtained from trees and shrubs input into trading or procedure customized for trading in form pellets for heating equipment class 3, 4 and 5 or meeting the requirements of the design. Source: MKKiŚ
This means that in the case of pellet for boilers 3, 4 and 5 energy class or meeting the requirements of the design, the qualitative requirements will be the same as for wood pellets.
However wood pellets for boilers 3, 4 and 5 energy class or that meet requirements of the design, will have to exhibit the reduced maximum, allowable ash content to 0.7 proc. (and not to 1.20%), a also higher minimum value of mechanical strength in the running state, defined at 98% (and not at 97.5%).
When will the Regulation on quality standards for biomass wood come into effect?
It will come into use after the flow of 14 days after the dayoftheannouncementoftheRegulationonqualitystandardsforbiomasswoodbytheMKiŚ.This meansveryquickly.Todaythedraftregulationisinthestageofinterministerial agreements.
Pelletpricesare alreadyrisinginearly2025year.
Pricesofpelletforheatinghouseshaveincreasedonaveragefrom30£toeven70£pertoninthelast30days.Howyoustillhavetoend2024years.itcouldbebuyunder1,000£/t(excludingincludedsupplycosts),yesin2025year.pricesarealreadyover1thousand pertonandit’sdifficultto findmore.attractiveoffer.