
New rules of land tax payment: what should every ownerknow?

Новые правила уплаты земельного налога: что нужно знать каждому владельцу?

In the first week of February the Tax and Customs Department (MTA) will begin mailing the tax notices of the land tax for 2025 year. The Department

reminds of the changes affecting this tax. Illustrative photo. Illustrative photo. Photo: Shutterstock

In the first week of February the Tax and Customs Department (MTA) will begin sending tax notices about the

land tax for 2025 year. The Department reminds of the changes affecting this tax.

In 2025 year in a number of Self-Governments changed the tax rates. “The tax rate on a site of residential or agricultural land in

To view the established local government tax rate for 2025 year you can on the MTA site.

The and mechanism of protecting from a sharp increase in the tax has changed. “This mechanism is created for that the amount of the land tax not increased so sharply compared with the previous year. In 2025 year the land tax on each cadastral object could increase by a maximum of 50% or by 20 euros, if the site is not exempt. If the 50% increase is less than 20 euros, the tax amount is increased by 20 euros”, -Parksepp noted. If the cadastral object is subject to benefits, the tax could increase by more than 50% or 20 euros compared with the previous year.

In addition, the first payment amount has changed. “If the amount of land tax exceeds 100 euros, the first payment must be at least half of the amount, but at least 100 euros. If the tax is less than 100 euros, it must be paid in the first term, ” Parksepp added.

The Tax and Customs Department (MTA) will in February disseminate notices about the land tax for the 2025 year. The availability of documents in the e-MTA system taxpayers will be informed by email and SMS. The deadline for payment of the first part of the land tax is 31 March. The remaining amount must be paid by 1 October.

MTA advises that you check your contact data in e-MTA, so you don’t miss the notification. “If we do not have e-mail or the mobile phone number of the taxpayer, the notification will be sent by regular mail,” Parksepp explained.

The landtaxinEstoniaisastatetax,theratewhichissetbythelocalgovernment.Allrevenuesgotothebudgetofthecountyandareusedforthedevelopmentoftheregionandfundingofmunicipalservices.

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