German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on the European Union to create a scale subsidy system for the purchase of electric cars. The idea is supported by the head of the European Commission Ursula fon der Leien, who has meeted with automotive
managers to discuss the future of the industry.
Photo: INA FASSBENDER / Scanpix
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called on the European Union to create a scale system of subsidies for the purchase of electric cars. The idea is supported by the head of the European Commission Ursula fon
der Leien, who has meeted with automotive managers to discuss the future of the industry.
Last year was tough for automakers. Volkswagen announced the closure of some plants in Europe, and sales of new cars grew slowly. Association of Automobile Manufacturers of Europe (ACEA), in 2024 year sales increased by 0.8 percent to 10.6 million units.
The situation is worsening because the cost of European cars is increasing faster than the income of the population. More people are forced to seek more affordable alternatives. According to Euractiv, the rapid increase in inflation,highinterestratesandthe rising cost oflifeoverthelastyearshave madepurchasinganewcarunaffordableformany people.