
New era in logistics: Parcels in Estonia will be sortedby robots

Новая эра в логистике: посылки в Эстонии начнут сортировать роботы

DPD Eesti – the first logistics company in the Baltic countries, the first to launch robotic sorting in its sorting center. Robots increase efficiency, precision and flexibility, enabling the to better manage the increased size of

parcels at peak periods. New robots sorting posts. New robots sorting posts. Photo: DVD

DPD Eesti – the first logistics company in the Baltic countries, which launches robotic sorting in its sorting center. Robots increase efficiency, precision and flexibility, allowing the company to better manage the

increased size of parcels at peak periods.

In the words of the general director of DPD Eesti Remo Kirs, this is the technology of the future, which is both economically efficient and faster in payback as compared to traditional solutions.

“The main advantage of the robotic solution is the significant improvement in throughput ability. “This allows us to process large volumes of parcels and be even faster and more precise than the current sorting processes,” Kears said.

The automation of the sorting process will occur in two stages.” “First we will introduce a robotic solution for sorting parcels that are sent to sorting parcel automation machines. “In the second phase, this spring, we will upgrade the existing sorting line, to increase our capabilities,” Kears explained.

Adaptable System for peak seasons

The Special Call for in theIn the logistic sector is the variation of sample volumes, for example, in the Christmas period the number increases by more than 20 percent. The Robotic Solution can quickly adapt to process even the largest volumes.

“The solution is both flexible and adaptable to variations in volumes, including regional ones, “minimizing the need for additional manpower”, ” Keers emphasized the strengths of the system.

The Robotic Solution DPD Eesti – is a high-tech and absolutely new system, differentiating from previously used solutions. Although this technology today is almost relatively new, it is significantly faster to payback than the traditional solutions.

Changing the role of employees

Keers notes that with the help of robots sorting will become three times efficient, that will bring the speed and accuracy of the process to a new level. “The Robotic Solution allows to cope with variations in the volvement of additional seasonal workforce . This ensures stability of service all year round “,  said the general director of DPD Eesti.

The introduction of robots does not mean the disappearance of jobs, but rather a changing of the duties of employees. “People can focus on more technical tasks, such as monitoring the work of robots and managing the sorting process in whole. “This reduces the need for manual intervention in the sorting process, which minimizes the risk oferrorsandincreasesthe overallefficiencyoftheworkflow,

Kears explained.

Automationalsoresultsinreducedcosts,Since theroboticsolutionincreasesworkefficiencyandproductioncapacity,whileavoidingunexpectedcostsoflabor.

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