28 January br. The Agency of Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture has launched a call for applications from farmers for funding for insurance of livestock. The problem in that the insurance companies have such policy in the offer is not. 31 January the Management of the National Council of Isb Agriculture has requested the Minister of Agriculture to resolve this patient situation.
“Farmers are today very interested in insuring animals, which results from the epizootic situation. Unfortunately insurance companies do not have them in their offer and do not want to insure animals. Farmers have obtained from insurance companies information, that they have not signed yet contracts with the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village and have not prepared information systems.” – argues KRIR in a letter to Minister Siekierski.
Recruitment continues, and polis doesn’t have
In consider such circumstances, the farmer government demands from the head of resort, to affect insurance companies, which benefit from subsidies from the State budget to insurance, so that they would operate one policy for insurance of animals.
And since the solicitation of applications already is going on, it is reasonable in this situation to extend
the deadline for submission by interested parties. Breeders for from their independent facts cannot have contracts to insure against
the risk of emerging diseases of animals. The current call for applications is due to 28 February br.
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