
Nearly 300 thousand euros per hectare. Prices of agricultural land in the EU. See, who paysthe most

Prawie 300 tys. euro za hektar. Ceny ziemi rolnej w UE. Zobacz, kto płaci najwięcej

The highest prices of arable land are on Malta

of 22 countries EU, which have transmitted to the EU GUS data, by far the highest average price per 1 hectare of or land was reported on Malta – it reached a level of 283 039 euro per hectare. The next highest average price was recorded in the Netherlands: 91 154 euro per hectare, a following in Luxembourg – 42 540 euro per hectare.

In contrast, the lowest average prices were recorded in Croatia (4 491 euros/ha), in Latvia (4

591 euros) and

in Slovakia (5 189 euros).


Source: Eurostat Source: Eurostat

 Prices of land by region: large differences

There were large regional differences in land prices in EU. Beyond Malta, which at this level of detail is a single region, the highest average price per 1 hectare of arable land was quoted in Vienna in Austria (189 000 euros), a following in Flevoland in Holland (178 093 euro) and in Canary Islands in Spain (148 247 euro).

The lowest prices were recorded in the Swedish regions Övre Norrland (1 951 euro per hectare)

and Mellersta Norrland (2 378 euro) and French region Franche-.Comté (2 580 euros).

On average over 65 thousand £  per ha

of agricultural land in Poland. Check, by how much land in your province

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Average over 65 tys. £ per

ha ziemi -land in Poland. Check, by how much land in your province

Rent prices lowest in Slovakia

Of 21 countries EU, which have reported to Eurostat, the highest average annual price for rental of arable land or permanent green use was reported in the Holland and was

914 euros per

hectare. From country the lowest prices for land were

in Slovak (67

euro per hectare).


Source: Eurostat Source:

Eurostat For how much you buy, a for how much you lease land from KOVR?

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For ile buy, a za ile lease land from KOWR?

More differentiated regionally: from 40 euro in Stredné Slovensko to 1 787 euro we Flevoland

Among regions EU leases 1 hectare of agricultural land in 2023 . was the most expensive in Dutch region Flevoland (1 787 euro per hectare), in the Canary Islands in Spain (1 164 euro) and Brabant North (1 111 euro) in The Netherlands .

Of the Swedish regions Övre Norrland and Mellersta Norrland have the lowest land leases (24 euro per hectare in 2022 .), a

there behind their places Stredné Slovensko (40 euro per hectare) and Východné Slovensko (43 euro per hectare) in


Prices of farmland and rent in EU: huge contractsReadmore


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