Nearly 350 new stores, investments in remodeling, Franchise Councils and intensive campaigns in social media – Our Store takes 2024 year.
Poland chain franchise Our Store, which owns brands such as Delicatessen Premium, Delicatessy Premium Market Plus, Delicatessy Sezam, Our Store and Our Store Express, record Good results. Despite the difficult market situation, in the last year the network expanded by an additional 345 trade locations.
Our Store: In over the last 2 years we have joined nearly 1000 new Outlets
– The dynamic development of our network with all certainty puts us in the leading of the fastest growing companies in Poland. In the last 2 years we have joined nearly 1,000 new stores. This shows, that franchisees trust us . In these difficult to run business times, it is worth having the support of an organization with tools and an experienced team, who knows how to maintain satisfactory profitability of the store. I am confident, that Our Store meets these criteria – says Jan Salata, Director General PSH Our Store.
Although 345 new platforms are, as market experiences show, a very high number, Our Store has, that in 2024 year it has not as much on the dynamics of expansion, as on the standard in the stores, of which it is already operator.
– In the last year we performed close to 70 complete remodeling of the retail stores Our Store. It is worth noting, that our franchisees can count on full support in this complex process. We prepare designs adapted to the capabilities of a given building, proposing new solutions, recommend suppliers of equipment or guarantee attractive, negotiated license rates for necessary software sales. What is worth emphasizing, properly conducted remodeling is able to increase the turnover of the store by some percent – remarks Kamila Tarsa, Director of directors. Implementation.
Our Store Has Franchise Council Franchise
In the last months Our Store has disposed to franchisees Customer Zone, through the mediation of which store owners may for example. deliver orders of necessary equipment, download materials for printing, materials for publication on-line or track updated information on the network. The organization also encourages its franchisees to modernize equipment and sales software in stores. Thanks to theThese investments, in an increasing quantity of platforms are already functioning advanced forms of consumer promotion, and also possible to deepen analysis of sales. The network is developing modern forms of consumer communication. Significant resources are invested including in activities in social media.
– We have listened to the voices of our franchisees, we have raised though during regular meetings at Franchise Councils and we have begun intensive activities in social media. Our advertisements on Facebook generate millions of views each month, which translates into sales results in stores. The best campaigns, as the results show, brought increases in sales of even 300-400%. In addition to this we actively support our shops in ongoing communication with consumers-wehelpfranchiseesestablishtheirownfranchises,Wesupplythemwithnecessarymaterialsorsupportincreatinglocalcampaigns-stressesRafalBatorowicz,Directorofds.MarketingandInnovationsDigital.