This week week we started with the world’s most popular cryptocurrency bitcoin reaching a new absolutely record price level. Euphoria in this market – is the result of Donald Trump’s Presidency inauguration in the United States .
On Monday morning bitcoin value rose by 5.5 percent and reached a new record of 109,241 thousand dollars.
There was a quite mass of cryptocurrencies in the market that was driven by a new free coin delivered this weekend to $Trump. From the initial this this started the current current of the “real” bitcoins and other smaller digital tokens, which increased the Trumpcoin capitalisation to up over 25 bn . But the situation quickly normalised.
There are speculations that Donald Trump is considering the possibility of issuing an executive order that declares cryptocurrencies as “a “national priority”.
A weakening dollar also has a positive influence on the valuation of cryptocurrencies because investors are confident, that previous warnings and threats announced by the New American President,suchastariffsandsanctions,willbeeasedovertime.
Expertsindicatethattradevolumesarelikelytoremainlowthroughoutthesessionof today,NowtheUSmarketsarecloseddue to theMartinLutherKingDaycelebration.