
National Audit Office: From all facilities that supply electricity to Estonia, only until now one has clear requirements in part of physical protection

Госконтроль: из всех объектов, поставляющих электроэнергию в Эстонию, до сих пор только к одному установлены четкие требования в части физической защиты

The National Audit Office (NAO) has determined that, despite the changing situation of safety, clear requirements for physical protection to since these still are established only one facility important for Estonia’s electricity supply. These requirements derive from the status of the subject of state defense and are enshrined in the order of its protection.The audit showed that the requirements for the physical protection of this public defense are compliant.For facilities not classified as public defense objects, there are no specific and clearly defined requirements for providing physical security. Enterprises of the sphere of electricity for years have decided and continue to decide by themselves which physical protection measures are most practical. Elementary measures have been taken, but some of these have become weaker compared with the requirements established in the relationship to the
object of state defense. At the same time these facilities are also important for the supply of electricity to Estonia. The National Audit Office has made a number of recommendations to the Minister of the Climate and Minister of the Interior Activities, for example, suggested that a comprehensive evaluation of the need to classify facilities which occupy electricity, as public defense. Defining the electricity as a permanent public defense object must begin with the Ministry of Climate, whose task is to receive from vital service providers information about the facilities needed for the provision of services, analyze the received information and transmit proposalsto the Ministry of the Interior, which decides that the decision on the
necessity of establishing the status of permanent state defense. Decision on the assignment of the status of the object of state defense is made by the Government of the Republic. The Ministry of Climate (until mid 2023 year the Ministry of Economics and Communications was responsible for electricity and the
Ministry of Internal Development didn’t see the necessity to add the list of objects of state defense, related to providing vital essential electricity service, within 2017 year, when this single facility, important from the sight of electricity, has received status as a public defense. In the audit the Ministry of Interior Department of Development was not able to explain post facto,
why at that time no decision was made about assigning the status of state defense to other objects, Although according to the methodology of evaluation there were other objects of the same level of importance. Officials involved in this process are no longer employed by the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry has no documents relating to the decision-making process. considerations, that the enterprises providing electricity to Estonia, would apply the principles of physical protection that are similar to those used for the protection of national defense. But the National Audit Office (NAO) has recommended that the Ministry of Climate Climate gather substantial information about threats of physical attacks, and also measuresto counter possible attacks and transmit it to
the service businesses. In this way, Enterprises can use this information to select and implement appropriate measures to protect the site. The Minister of Climate and the Minister of Interior Department of Department of Defense responded that the review and update of the list of public defense sites is planned to be conducted in
2025 year. They also noted that the electric power enterprise can apply principles similar to those applied to the objects of state defense, also to those critically important objects that are not defined as public defense. The National Audit Office stresses that since the minimum and additional
security measures for subjects of public defense are not public information, the Minister of Interior Affairs and the Minister of Climate should first find a way to disclose these measures to the electric power businesses and, if necessary, advise them about their application. In the course of the audit the National Audit Office assessed how the operator is as Elering, the operator of the distribution Elektrilevi OÜ and the producer of electricity AS Enefit Power prepared for physical attacks on critical facilities providing electricity. The National Audit Office’s audit sample included five
facilities (in actuality there are more subjects ), of which one, the AS Elering, was designated as a state defense object, related to the provision of critical services, and four were identified by the electric power enterprises in their analyses of continuity risks of the activity asfacilities required for the performance of critical critical activities. The National Audit Office checked in the audit whether measures have been taken to ensure the safety of important facilities supplying Estonia with electricity. Interruptions in the supply of electricity have very serious impacts on the functioning of the state, other vital services and the population. It is therefore important to ensure physical

securityofcriticalfacilitiesthatprovideelectricity.Theaudit processconsideredexternalphysicalattacks,whichcouldbe,for example,vandalism,theft,transitionofviolenceintoamassunorganizedattack,an individualattack,plannedattack(suddenattack,detonationofexplosivedeviceandetc.),dangerousattack(suddenattack,detonationofexplosivedeviceandetc.).),dangeroussending(letter,sentenceandetc.),attackthroughventilation,attackbyspecial forcesorindividualswithmilitarytraining.

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