For the last few days, residents of Narva have started to receive new heating bills, which are much higher than expected. Many citizens are concerned, as for some these costs became an unexpected strike on the family budget. People are actively discussing the situation, trying to find ways to solve, and asking how to continue to manage similar financial burdens.
have increased by 10-11% on average. Katri Ryke emphasizes that saving energy is extremely important.”Many of us in Narva winter have keep the windows ventilated, but now we have to get used to new reasonable conditions. I’ll add that I don’t like warm socks and would like to wear a lightweight dress at home. “But today we are in a situation when we have to save comfort away, ” says the mayor and reminds, that the costs of heating will be reduced by insulating homes. “In Ida-Viru County Ida-Viru County
only 5% of the buildings that need to be insulated.” The City Administration continues to encourage apartment companies to insulate houses. In addition, under determined conditions it is possible to submit applications, in which the own funding is only 20%. I would like to praise the 8 apartment associations that came together last year and applied for support.
Narvites have become billed for heating in hundreds of euros. Katri Reik: Many wintered with windows open, now we will have to getaccustomedtonewreasonableconditions
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