The information appeared earlier in some media information about the threat of deficit of cheese because of fire in warehouse complex in Klin does not correspond to reality. It was announced in the press service of GK Multipro, the acting tenant of the site.
Yulia Gust/Shutterstock/Fotodom
As said in report, 23 January a fire occurred in warehouses in urban district Klin Moscow region. GK “Multipro”, acting as a tenant site, did not used it for storage or production of products, deliveries of cheese to restaurants and retail continue in full volume.
“The Company Group officially reports that none of the
GK “Multipro” disproved information about possible deficit of cheese in HoReCa and retail, and also noted that at the production warehouse complex in urban district Klin was not storing and producing products at the time of the accident, as the warehouse was not built.
As told general director of TC “Multipro” Dmitrii Gurevich, production capacity of GC “Multipro” is located in Moscow, Kirov regions and Chuvash Republic and continue operation, which precludes deficit and failures in supply. All obligations to distributors, restaurants, fast food service chainsand retail are fulfilled in full volume.
The company also noted that the liquidation of the incident is being handled by competent services, and called on to await the results of the official expertise, which will help to identify the cause of the accident.
Group of companies “Multipro” – one of one of the leading Russian manufacturers of cheese and analog products for HoReCa, and also soft cheese for retail. Under the brand Alti GK “Multipro” produces cheese (semi-hard, curd, soft and breaded), and also cheese products. At the end of 2023 year the enterprises of the Groupofcompaniesproduced37thousandtonnesofsemi-hardcheeseand over500tonnesofsoftcheesewith mold.