- Changing popularity of crop corn in Poland
- Mulching as the basic treatment against worm
- Alternative machines for classic mulching
- Mulch in other crops
The area of crops in Poland is increasing, in 2014 there were 543 tys. ha, while in year 2024 already 1 829 tys. ha. What is true today, 2024 year, in comparison with record 2023 is delicately declining, this is already for year 2025 there is a projected sequential increase in the commodity crop. The main purpose of cultivating this plant is to harvest grain – 1.3 million ha are cultivated for this purpose. The remaining part is harvested for silage. The increasing popularity of biogas plants can further increase the share of corn in the seed structure and increase the harvest for silage. What is true this plant requires to incur substantial costs, especially for mineral fertilization,
but it allows us to slow down the field work related to sowing and harvesting.
How to mulch mulch intercrops in the ecoscheme, to avoid sanctions?
An frequently repeated crop in monoculture
Corn is a plant, which suffers best cultivation in monoculture, however, in order this cultivation to make sense, the basis is to maintain the required minimum in cultivation. Therefore a very important problem, after harvesting corn for grain, is the distribution of the residue in the field. Well executed treatment, not only enables us to disintegrate a large quantity of residue of grain, but it also is very helpful in fighting against prosowianka. His caterpillars preparing for wintering descend in the bottom interstitials, a good decrease in the field of stalks very strongly decreases the seasiness of their wintering. This treatment also allows the destruction
of part spores of fungal diseases. It also facilitates the performance of other cultivation treatments,
including also, permits direct sowing e.g. wheat in the
crop.system strip-till.
are most often used in cultivation corn Photo. JSŚ
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Finally can mulch midplants. Note on species, which have released seeds
What is an alternative to classic mulching?
Unquestionably the mulching procedure is more accurate and produces the best results. However the minus is certainly its time and energy consumption. Shredding must be performed at small speeds, a with large quantity of harvest residues to machine of 3 meter width you need a tractor of 150 hp. For a machine six meters you need equipment with power even over 300 hp. Additionally the parts of the side, which rotate very fast, are exposed to damage when hitting stones. Do there exist other machines, which will allow us to obtain a like fragmentation effect? The popularity is gained by passive shredding machines, so called shafts knives. They are constructed mostly from two shafts of small diameter about 450 mm, to which the knives are attached. They are attached straight or spiral about the shaft. The advantage of such shafts is decidedly less power requirement and higher performance. For a machine three horsepower is already sufficient 60 hp, and the current speed reaches even to 20 km/h.
There is also the possibility of aggregating their with other machinery for example on the front TUZ
to mount the blade shaft, and on the rear tiller. Then for one time we are able to
perform two tasks and in this way to reduce the number of passes.
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Mulczer czy talerzowka? What better po kukurydzy na ziarno?
Whether in other plants mulching is also successful?
The use of shredding machines is also popular in destroying crops. More and more farms are deciding to seed plants that enrich the soil in organic matter. Recent changes in ecoschemes for intercrops require sowing in the date from 1 July to 1 October and maintaining these until day 15 February in the next year, on which the application for the granting payment was submitted. With which, the legislator allowed mulching after the day of 15 November. Is that the only possibility of applying these machines? It turns out that no. Many farmers owning these machines also use them in the case of crops after thistle, sunflower, or even after high mowed beans.
More and more often it is said, that the first cultivation machine on the field, is the crop harvester. It must be equipped with a good quality shredder and spreader flats. Particularly, when the combine is equipped with a wide heder. However, not all have modern combines. With help can then come to us a mulcher, which will do that, which has not been done by the harvester.
The use of these machines, after the pass of the harvester, allows reduction of water evaporation from the soil and improved decomposition of residue from the harvest, which is especially important for simplified crop systems. A well managed crop canopy, practically to self harvest, has very green stalks, and this makes low mowing difficult. There is therefore a very lots of mass, which has not been cut by the shredder of the harvester. Even after the till till, a large part of the stalk remains undamaged and comes to a large transpiration of water from soil.
The mulching procedure, after first, thoroughly destroys all the stalks, as also covers the whole surface of soil with a layer of matter, which additionally restricts evaporation and provides moisture to east seeds. Secondly, evenly covering the well crushed residue of the fire is not only protecting the soil before evaporation, but it also is to provide easily available nutrition for all the biological life of the soil.
Organisms.Soil faster to handle the fine parts of stalks, bacteria and fungi faster to into damaged walls, which in effect, will transfer to faster access to food ingredients found in left straw. Leaving mulch on the surface of soil is also protecting its surface from erosion wind and water.
More and more often we have to deal with emerging navigable and flooding rains. The residue of harvest forms its type of sponge, which does not only increase water capacity,butalsopreventsexcessivethickeningofthesurfacelayerofsoil.
Backtothe past
Fromthetimeofchildhoodwe rememberridingonfields”Orkans”,whichcrushedthestrawfromsheetsandspreadthemoverthe field.A lot ofyears have passed.Practicallyall harvestersarealreadyequippedwithshredders,howevertheeraofmulchingmachineshasnotended.Whatmore,afterthepassageofsomemodificationsintheconstructionorshreddingmachinealltheyareusefulandfillanimportantroleinmodernproduction,boththatclassic,orchestrated,asandsimplified.
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