
MP Riigikogu Chaplygin disseminated an alarming report about the energy supply, but doesn’t consider this topropagatepanic

Депутат Рийгикогу Чаплыгин распространил тревожное сообщение об энергоснабжении, но не считает это нагнетанием паники

Member of the Riigikogu Alexandr Chaplygin (Centrist Party) published on his Facebook page a photo of an emotionally charged announcement about the disconnection from the energy system of the Russian Federation, which, according to his data, is being distributed to all residential homes. The government press service stresses that it has nothing to do with it. Alexander Chaplygin. Alexander

Chaplygin. Photo: Eero Vabamägi

Alexander Chaplygin (Centrist Party) published a photo of an emotionally charged announcement about disconnection from the power system of the Russian Federation, which, according to his data, is being distributed to all residential homes. The government press service emphasizes that it has nothing to do with it. 

“On February 9 February 2025 the Baltic States are preparing to

disconnect the electricity from Russia and to connect to the European system, that is to synchronize the electricity grid. “During this period this perhaps there will be no electricity for some time, no one knows for how long,” the said in the announcement.

Further is the call to stock up for a week of water, food, medication, cash, candles, etc. etc. “There are generators in the big businesses and in the hospitals, so let’s hope..

When reading the announcement the eye is struck by the word “Baltic” instead of “countries of Baltia”, orphographic and punctuation errors, and also other small things uncharacteristic of the official language.

In the signature to the post Chaplygin confirms that such announcements are hung in all neighborhoods. Where did he have that information and who is the distributor?

The photo was shared by a reader

“I was sent this by a

reader, said that such an announcement depends on him in his neighborhood. And in general everywhere: at all his acquaintances also. That’s the official information. As I understand, the same information is on the site It’s not some hostile organization that disseminates all this, said Rus.Postimees Alexander Chaplygin.

The site deputy’s published announcement is not available, but there is different information about preparedness for crises, universal recommendations and instructions in case of emergency situation.

It also turned out that a member of the Riigikogu did not know in which houses and neighborhoods these notices had appeared, and how many of them there were.

“The Rescue Department has already been coming out with this call for some longer since the Rescue Department. And it was not specifically about disconnecting from the Russian energy system, but in the principle of the need to ensure that themselves can survive in the crisis. I have, for example, in my house a supply of food for two weeks, I heeded the recommendations of the government. “Also, I have a gasoline generator,” Chaplygin continued.

He does not think that the publication of similar posts increases panic among the population: we live in a very unstable time, so it is necessary to be prepared for crises. “In unstable conditions people need to be informed how to prepare for any unexpected events. Our rescuers are doing absolutelyright to share this information with us,

Chaplygin also referred to the published today in Rus.Postimees interview with the head of project management and synchronization of Elering Hannes Kontem, who stated, that the goal of transitioning to an other frequency zone is to make it unnoticeable to consumers. Disinformation about synchronization and its consequences can be distributed (and has been distributed on social networks.

” For example, claims that synchronization will cause electricity blackouts or significant increases in prices for electricity. “Such messages are intentionally disseminated disinformation aimed to sow uncertainty and discontent among the people,” the Cont said.

Chaplygin thinks that the Elering representative is not entirely right: “As far as I have heard statements from other individuals connected with the energy, by the current moment everything has been done, that outages did not occur, but to hundred percent of that cannot be ruled out. A hundred percent guarantee can be given only by God.”

Elering doesn’t anticipate the risk of power outages

Comments Spokesman of Elering Liis Eyser:

Elering – is the administrator, the manager of the unified electric and gas energy system of Estonia, whose primary objective is to continually provide quality energy to Estonian consumers.

It is important for consumers to know that Elering is the purpose of Elering to realize the consumption of energy.transition to another zone of synchronization in such a way that the consumer will not notice. This process is safe and does not require the disconnection of domestic electronics devices connected to the network.

But in the case with technical systems there always is a small risk that something unexpected will occur. We have analyzed the risk and prepared measures to reduce them. Prepare tools and plans for the case if itis necessary to save system operation in a critical situation or restart it in the unlikely circumstance of a system outage.

At the current time we do not prevent the risk of power outages, but at the same time it is worth remembering, that unexpected situations can occur at any time, so it is wise to be prepared for any situation.

This doesn’t mean that we should be worried, rather, we should be able to take the right action when it is necessary.

Personal presumptions of unknown author

A spokeswoman for the Communications Bureau of Government Eugenia Vyarya said that the government has nothing to relate to these announcements. “The government did not order the printing and sending out these messages. Part of this text is based on the personal assumptions of an unknown author, but to honor it should be noted that the link to is properly referenced.

Yesterday at a briefing of the communication bureau of the government deputy director of the coordination bureau for defense and security of the State Prijt Saar remembered, that the disconnection from the Russian electricity network should be noticeable for the people in Estonia .

He says that consumers need not to worry and prepare for something serious, But just in case you can revise the crisis plans that affect your family, and also make sure that you have the necessary supplies. Power outages could be caused not only by desynchronization, but also by weather conditions, for example.

But Saar recognized that if there are some few incidents at once, then the peak periods could not be enough electricity for everyone: then in some regions it is possible to cancel for some hours.

Better to be prepared for unexpected situations

Last week the Rescue Department for in case of electricity outages mailed recommendations to local governments. These are the recommendations that the local governments can share with residents. Many have already published these on their websites, Rus.Postimees said Rus.Postimees spokeswoman for the Rescue Daria Denisova.

“It says that the agencies responsible for the synchronization have set the objective to conduct the synchronization as could be less noticeable to the people in the country. This means that the risks will be minimized. But the Rescue Department is responsible for preparing people for emergency situations, and that means it should prepare people for the possible power outage, which could also occur at any other time. Betterbe prepared for unexpected situations, than to worry that they might occur,” she added.

The Rescue Department recommends everyone:

  • Consider what it would mean for you and your family to not have electricity, water and/or heating at home.

  • Prepare to prepare to live autonomously at home for at least a week.

  • Store home supplies depending on your needs: water, food, medications and other essential essential items.  

For more information about preparing for electricity outages you can find on the site:

Tallinn also doesn’t have any relation to the announcements

The City of Tallinn’s recommendations are compliant with instructions of the Rescue Department, declared the head of the Tallinn Municipal Police Elari Kasemets. “The City of Tallinn is never connected with the distribution of the mentioned announcements, and also has no information about their making or distribution,” he confirmed to Rus.Postimees.

Estonia jointly with Latvia and Lithuania is preparing for synchronization of the electric grids of the Baltic countries with the electric grid of Western Europe on 9 February 2025 year: this is a big step for energy security, Kasemets noted.

“The Climate Ministry, which is responsible for changing the synchronization zone, and Elering have aimed to conduct this process so that consumers will not notice the changes. Although technically no risk should occur, it is always possible to be prepared for possible failures. What you can do to ensure comprehensive preparedness for yourself andyourfamily,youcanfind outhere.The City of Tallinn will provide additional informationandpracticalrecommendationsonitsofficialchannels as soon as possible,

Kazemets concluded.

DisconnectionfromtheRussianelectricity grid

ThedisconnectionfromtheRussiangridwilloccurinearlyFebruary.AfterthatthecountriesoftheBalticcountrieswilljointhecontinentalEuropeanrange.Thepreparationfortheprojecthasbeenabouttwentyyears.IntotalcomplexityinthethreecountriesBalticandPolandwereinvested1.6billioneurosfortheband switchover.

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