Practical contra healthy
Everyone has come across such terms, as “fatigue soils”, “diseases of fertility”, “deforestation” or “culling”. All these words define the consequences of cultivating plants in simplified fertility or monoculture.
Defective, poor fertilization leads to negative changes in soil, also referred to as “fatigue of soil.” unilateral exhaustion of food nutrients (by frequent return to status of species with same food needs), layer depletion of soil (roots develop still at the similar depth and from a layer take water), deterioration of soil properties, accumulation in soil of harmful for plants chemical compounds, deterioration of conditions for soil organisms. In conditions of monoculture and narrow fertilization there is an increase in weeds, accumulation in soil and remnants of plant pathogens and pests. All these factors necessitate increasing inputs in fertilizers and protectants for plants.
Theoretically in constructing crop rotations should be guided by some principles, among which may include maintaining intervals in the cultivation of the same or related species in a field, which should be from every 2 years (in the case of beans) to even 6-7 years (in the case of ln). The share of cereals in fertility should not exceed 60 percent, hoppe – 25 proc., thistle – 25 proc, motile – 20 proc.
In practice organizational and economic reasons force specialization and simplification in production. Even if on the farm they maintain very varied crop rotations is not possible, It is important to remember, that monotony on the field does not affect good crops. In asmuch as possible it should increase simplified fertilization
by species from other biological groups, than crop main and introduce into fields seedlings and multispecies mixtures .
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What plants for weak, a what for the best statuses?
When crop rotationill
Prof. dr hab. Leslaw Zimny in “Encyclopedia ecological-agricultural” gives the following definition:
Fertility diseases in rotation – a pathological condition of plants caused by their improper in fertility, leading to decreased crops. The cause of ch. p. is the excessive accumulation of pathogens of fungal diseases, pests or harmful compounds in the soil left after preplanting.
Because of the high share of cereals in the seed structure in Poland the most common fertility diseases affect only these species. Typical for cereal crop rotations saturated with beans is the intensified occurrence of drought diseases, primarily wheat branch and fracture branch branch. Susceptibility to these diseases is formed as follows (in order from most to lowest susceptibility): wheat, triticale, barley, rye, oats. We have obviously to expose varieties of resistance to a range of diseases and effective fungicides, however the primary method of prophylaxis is avoiding crop after yourself (especially wheat after wheat and wheat after barley). It is also worth sowing intercrops with mustard white or thistle yarn.
The frequent recurrence of thistle on this self status increases the threat from verticilliosis, cylindrosporiosis, dry cock rot, curdstone rot. The most dangerous fertility disease in the case of thorn is only cock cabbage, however. May appear in fields, in which this species (or other caustic) returns more often than every 3-4 years and is about that dangerous, that there is no possibility to fight it with any means of protecting plants. In fighting against wheat agriculturists are allowed to properly only a some year break in the cultivation of thistle and other crops (also in intercrops) in a field; they also have to dispose of deciduous varieties of thistle.
Although in last decades the area of cultivated greens in Poland has decreased significantly, that on farms specialized in the production may come to accumulation of potato nematodes and pathogens, which are the causers of many . alternariosis of potato, among others. Farmers have to dispose of varieties resistant to the nematode and measures to protect plants, however still an important element of prophylaxis remains maintaining intervals in the crop on the same field (3 years, a on the field with the crop problem every 5 years). Help may also be sowing intercrops from theCyst nematodes varieties of oleaf and gorilla white.
In regions with high concentration of cultivated beet sugar, where beet often returns to that same field, there is a risk of mass accumulation of beetle and increased pressure of disease, in this beetle. In addition to interruption in cultivation (4-6 years to even 8 years in fields with the worm problem) it is worth to introduce in cultivation plants hostile to worm: cucurbit, lime, rye, lucernum, facelia, nematode varieties of olefruit and gourd.
Corn is considered as a species with some tolerance to cultivation even in multiannual monoculture, however in the situation of increasing share of this species in the seed structure, the situation may change. There are reports of increasing pression of agrophages in culture, and the fan of available options for
protection still is not complete. As an example of dynamic changes and new threats
to this crop can be cited to corn -. cultivation of corn in
monoculture with a significant degree contributes to expansion of this pest.
other diseases of fertility may be mentioned. infestation, lumination, hatching orleaching,howeverwiththecurrentseedstructureinPolandtheydonothavemuchimportanceandarea negligiblethreat.