A morning with coffee and alcohol? A new promotion of the Large Ben store encourages such diet. In the hours 7:00-11:00 customers can receive coffee for a symbolic 1 grope to each paragraph.
It is not new, that shops and service locals attract customers with free coffee. However, should this be done by the monopoly store?
The question appears on the occasion of a new promotion of the Store Large Ben. In the vitrine location in Warsaw (intersection of Jelazna and Ogrodowa streets) we can read, that on hours 7:00-11:00 customers receive coffee for 1 grope to each paragraph (with excluding cigarettes).
Promotion, which raises questions
Promotion does not apply only to alcohol, but it is impossible to hide, that it is the dominant category in stores of the network Big Ben. from one side the store offers customers additional value, from the other way of communicating the offer generates questions about the social responsibility of the chain. Promotions may encourage to morning purchase and consume alcohol.
From the visual perspective this type
activity may divide consumers. Some of their will receive promotion as an attractive bonus,
others will recognize as an attempt to normalize harmful behavior.
Promotion on coffee in store Large Ben phot. dlahandlu.en/AK
Promotion on coffee in shop Large Ben fot. dlahandlu.en/AK
The alcoholism problem in Poland
In during growing social awareness companies must detailedly analyze the impact of their promotional – More and more consumers are realizing that alcoholism remains a serious problem in Poland.
According to reports by Polonia Academy in Czestochowa the number of people dependent on alcohol and overindulging in Poland is from 4 to 5 million, a person requiring treatment from 1to1.2million.Ofthistreatmentcoveredareonlyabout15proc.It is estimatedthatabout12millionpeopleexperiencenegativesocialeffectsresultingfromtheproblemofalcoholism.