
More than half of Estonia’s residents oppose financial support for marine wind power plants

Более половины жителей Эстонии выступают против финансовой поддержки морских ветряных электростанций

According to a recent survey by the Institute for Social Research, 53 percent of respondents don’t support the plan to support the production of electricity in marine wind power for up 2.6 billion euros

over 20 years. Park

of marine wind power plants. Park of marine wind power plants. Photo: Kristo Kristo Niglas

According to a recent survey by the Institute for Social Research, 53 percent of respondents don’t support the plan to support the production of electricity in marine wind

power plants by an amount to 2,6 billion euros in 20 years.

Last week the government agreed to tender for the construction of both marine, and land-based wind power in two terawatt-hours. According to Minclimate’s calculations, this agreement means that it could cost 2.6 billion euros to support marine wind power over 20 years. The Institute for Social Research asked Estonian citizens what they think about the government’s plans to support marine wind power plants.

The respondents were asked whether they supported the idea that the government would allocate 2.6 billion Euros over 20 years to ensure a fixed price for makers of marine wind power plants. After the question, it also was explained that in this support scheme, the government pays the manufacturers, if the exchange price is low, and refundsmoney, if the exchange price is high. 53 percent of respondents said “no”or”ratherno”,28percent”ratheryes”or”yes”,and19percentdidn’thavetheiropinion.


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