The furniture Black Red White manufacturer announced plans to close the branch in Przeworsk. In concerning this over 220 employees will lose employment. Negotiations on the conditions of releases were held on Wednesday.
Tough beginning of the year for employees BRW
The Black Red White company informed about plans to conduct group reductions at the production plant in Przeworsk -. work at this location will lose over 200 people.
The company decided to discontinue the production of tables and chairs and concentrates on key categories, such as furniture boxes, upholstered and kitchen – informs the company. The company authorities meet with the crew a few days ago, to tell the information about planned reductions. The issue has already been addressed by
the District Office of Labor in Przeworsk, which is prepared to support people affected by this situation.
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Office of Labor ready to help
As read on portal TVP3 Rzeszow, employees are to receive terminations by the end of February.
– Following information obtained from the director of the branch here in Przeworsk, on day of 28 February are to receive terminations. They will be able to enter most likely on the basis of agreement between parties or with a month dismissal – explains Adam Zabłocki, director of the District Office of Labor in Przeworsk.
BRW provides
that they will give employees all necessary assistance in searching for jobs in this including in other companies . The Labor Office
has also indicated the opportunities for employment in the welding and transportation in the industry, where the demand for workers
is currently high.
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Dismissals at a located company. In the market has been operating since 1995 year,
now it is eliminated
Reductions of employment are a major surprise for employees, of many
of whomhavebeenservedformanyyearsinthecompany.The key daywillbefortheirWednesday,whentheyaretobegindiscussionsabouttheconditionsofreleases.