
More 20 thousand tons of potassium salt from Canada. Historic discharge at Police port

Ponad 20 tysięcy ton soli potasowej z Kanady. Historyczny rozładunek w polickim porcie

As shows, potassium salt reaches the Group Azota Police by different methods of transport: rail, road transport and sea. This last – due to the possibility of delivering at one time the largest quantity

of raw material – is the most efficient solution.

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Group Azoty

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– Optimize costs in every area of Group’s activity. We benefit from the effects of synergy in the whole Capital Group, but before all we seek cheaper raw materials, which have a key importance in every production. A cheaper raw material translates into a lower price of the product and its increased competitiveness in the market – emphasizes Andrzej Dawidowski, vice president of Group Azota S.A, president of the Management Group Azoty Police.

To receive potassium salt in Police the infrastructure in Port Bark. In the last two years the largest one-time deliveries of this commodity by vessels amounted to about 2 tys. ton. This results from the technical capabilities of the

shore -. supported are there barges and vessels with length up to 120 meters and depth 4 meters (with capacity about 3000 DWT.)

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Group Azotas will submit another request to KE for introduction of goals. This together on the wetter

Receipt of vehicles from port

As read in the press, from rail The Maritime Port has a shore of 415 meters length and exploitation depth of 12.5 meters, into which they may enter.large units float. Adapting infrastructure to receive other raw materials and products constitutes a huge development potential for Group Azota Police.

As shows, transporting goods by larger floating units is a measurable savings for the Company. With one time higher quantities of purchased raw materials the negotiation position of the company increases, with a simultaneous decrease in cost of freight per ton.

– In order to allow discharge of potassium salt at Maritime Port, it was necessary to provide infrastructure. The functioning unloading infrastructure at the Maritime Port was to date only for unloading of phosphorus-bearing crude. To address the need to optimize the cost chain of supplies of salt potassium and because of the fact, that the slurry from Canada has a similar weight to the previously supported phosphorites, the adopted reloading trains to the new slurry. For this purpose the systems of dusting crane and sensitive electronics elements before excessive effects of salt. Additionally, with cooperation with Company Group Azoty Transtech, the logistics of the internal plant have been planned so, to optimally utilize available space storage and efficiently deliver supplies to production – the Group Azotas stated.

The Azoty Group Police disposes of some port berths:
the Source shore in Port Maritime, where the handling of phosphorite

and Ilmenite takes place;

  • the shore Product in the Maritime Port, where the handling of products, that is. NPKs or urea;
  • the Sea Port, adapted to handling ammonia;
  • the Product shore in Barge Port , where there is

    dischargeofsteel structures,andalsopartiallyleasedtoexternalcompanies;

  • the shoreofSilver,wherethereishandlingofsaltandIlmenite.




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