In the world of dynamic economic changes and increasing pressure on sustainable development, the concept ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is taking on key importance. It is not only an obligation resulting from regulations legislation, such as Directive CSRD, but also an opportunity for development, building a positive image and attracting investors and customers. The Poland Agency for Enterprise Development offers a variety of support programs, which help companies develop
in a sustainable way, including environmental, social and management issues.
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Corporations under pressure consumers – ESG business priority
ESG – what means for business?
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a concept referring to three key areas, which companies must include in their activities, to act in a responsible and sustainable manner. The term this is often used in the context of socially responsible investments and assessing the risk and the impact of companies on the environment. ESG establishes the basis for analysis and reporting sustainable development.
Three Pillars of ESG:
1. Environment (Environmental) – includes activities of companies to protect the environment, such as reduction of emissions CO₂, sustainable management of resources, saving energy or implementing the Closed Operation (GOZ). Through such actions companies can reduce their carbon footprint, reduce operating costs and prepare for future regulations climate.
2. Society (Social) – that is all that, which affects the company on employees, communities and customers. It concerns such issues as human rights, conditions of work, diversity and inclusiveness, safety and social responsibility. Firms, that care about their employees and relations with local communities, build loyalty and trust, which positively affects long-term development.
3. Governance (Governance) – those principles related to management of the company. Transparency,Ethics business, anti corruption and risk management. Firms, that implement good management practices, are more resistant to risk and build reputation as ethical and worthy of trust.
– Implementing Principles of ESG is not only a response to regulatory requirements, but primarily a strategic investment in the future of the company. It is an organizational transformation, the foundation of which is education and involvement in all structures of the company. Actions for sustainable development increase competitiveness, build trust of customers and partners, and also open access to new resources of financing. PARP supports entrepreneurs in this transformation, providing them with tools and knowledge necessary to achieve environmental goals, social and management – stresses Izabela Fiszer, deputy director of the Department of Internationalisation enterprises in the Polish Agency of Enterprise Development.
Directive CSRD – new requirements for companies in reporting ESG
For companies from the SME sector implementing ESG may seem complicated, but its importance is steadily increasing, especially in light of new regulations legislation, such as CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). This Directive imposes a obligation to report activities related to sustainability development to an increasing number of companies. In the future this obligation will also apply to selected small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Firms will have to report in accordance with uniform European standards, which include a wide range of indicators on climate impacts, environment, human rights, and also employment issues and corporate governance. Reporting is to cover not only how the activity of the company affects the environment and society, but also how climatic, social and regulatory changes may affect the company itself. The CSRD has the purpose of providing more transparent, reliable and comparable data on the activities of companies for sustainable development, which supports climate and social EU objectives.
Timelines reporting
First reporting obligation resulting from implementation CSRD in Poland for year 2024 . included are the largest companies, which have been fulfilling the reporting obligation imposed by the NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive). Reporting for year 2025 will have to submit also enterprises, which fulfill at least two of theThree criteria: employ more than 250 employees, have net revenue of more 40 million euros per year or have assets of value exceeding 20 million euros. The reporting obligation for year 2026 will cover small and medium companies listed on the exchange. There will be a simplified scope of reporting and the possibility of delaying until 2028 year, which is to ensure their time to adjust to the requirements.
Can ESG be an opportunity for development?
ESG is not only an obligation resulting from regulations legislation, such as the CSRD, but also an opportunity to develop and build persistent relationships with stakeholders. Companies, that decide to implement environmental, social and responsible practices, reap not only in the eyes of consumers, but also of their business partners. In today’s world increasingly more persons and companies are attention to how enterprises conduct their activity – their approach to environment, ethics, or management. Social responsibility and concern for the environment are characteristics, which translate into increased loyalty of customers and attractiveness in the market.
It is worth noting, that the implementation of environmental measures, such as energy efficiency, reduction of waste or effective management of resources, allow to reduce operating costs, increasing m. in. the profitability of the company.
What more, the financial institutions and frequently perceive value in enterprises, that focus on sustainable development. Firms implementing the objectives of ESG can count on preferential financing conditions, such as lower interest loans or access to specialized funds supporting environmental innovations .
How PARP supports sustainable development?
Poland Agency Development Entrepreneurship (PARP) offers various programs of support, which help companies develop in a sustainable manner, addressing environmental, social and management (ESG) issues.
Until 19 March 2025 . continues the consultation for the activity “Economy of closed circuit in the WM, Phase II – Implementation of business model GOZ-transformation“. It is targeted to micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) conducting business activities in the territory of Eastern Poland, which in framework I stage have developed business model GOZ-transformation approved by PARP. Under the II stage of the activity support may be allocated for design.and conduct work, that adapts the company to implement new business model GOZ-transformation, to purchase and implement modern technologies, investments in purchasing environmentally friendly machinery or training and retraining employees for adaptation to new processes introduced in the enterprise. The maximum amount of funding for the project is 3.5 million PLN. The recruitment is implemented under the Funds European Funds for Eastern Poland (FEPW) program.
The program “GOZ – it is paying” under European Funds for Social Development (FERS) is an perfect opportunity for enterprises, who want to develop competencies in the green economy. The competition supports companies in the low/zero emission area and the closed cycle (GOZ), promoting the best environmental solutions. Under the initiative entrepreneurs have access to a series of training focusing on key aspects of green economy, which cover a wide range of topics, from the basis of transformation from the linear economy to the closed-circuit model, to advanced strategies for seeking innovative, sustainable business models. Additionally, participants of the program can benefit from individual counseling, which is invaluable for practical implementation of new solutions and adaptation to the dynamically changing business environment. This complex offer is to provide entrepreneurs with real facilitating the transition to more environmental and sustainable business practices. Participation in training and advisory after-training is 100% financed with EU funds, which means that participants do not incur any fees. Under the Competition you can use the services of 8 entities offering training, and applications are accepted until 31 January 2027 .
“Academy Transformation Circular for Business” is an educational program for entrepreneurs, whose purpose is to increase the knowledge and competence of enterprises to transform in the GOZ direction, presentation of best practices in this area and support in establishing business partnerships for solutions circular. Under the project there are workshops, expert meetings, study visits, activities networking and information-consulting services provided before experts among others. from the GOZ area. The activities these are addressed to entrepreneurs from the territory of Eastern Poland, that is. from the Lublin, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Swietokrzyskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie andPart of Mazovian window (excluding Warsaw and the contiguous counties).
Entrepreneurs, who would like to implement the assumptions of sustainable development into their company, they can also take participate in the PARP Academy course “Sustainable Development in SMEs“. Through participation in the course you can learn what is sustainable development and why its business importance is increasing, what are the areasofenterpriseinfluenceontheenvironmentandsociety,whicharesectorsofhighriskinthecontextofsustainabledevelopment,howtoconductanalysisofbenefitsandrisksenvironmentalandsocialandwhatisreportingunfinancially.Thecourseisfreeandavailableonline,anditscompletionenablesyouto obtaincertificationwithoutleavinghome.
ESGisnotonlyalegal requirement,butandanopportunityforrealgrowthandimprovedcompetitiveness.ThroughsupportprogramssuchasthoseofferedbyPARP,entrepreneurshaveaccesstotools,thatenabletheireffectivetransformationinthedirectionofmoresustainablebusiness models.